Jun 14, 2013 11:53
Ok, so can I have some Fics about the science staff and the military on Atlantis. Things I'd like to see if possible
1. Rodney yelling at the soldiers for doing something stupid (bonus for the soldiers just sort of shrugging it off ad looking meek while John looks on and chuckles)
2. The soldiers and scientists helping each other (eg. Lorne carrying equipment for miko, zalenka fixing a soldiers broken laptop or something.
3. Any fics with miko in a pairing with someone. I'm thinking zalenka, or lorne, but whoever she ends up with is fine.
* femmeslash,
-- miko kusanagi,
. zelenka/other,
geek-fic/science themes,
* het,
* slash,
-other sga character(s),
.other pairing,
-- radek zelenka,
* gen