Title: Rainbows, Relationships and Crap
sgafirenity Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Summary: Little Pieces of Callie and Arizona
Author's Note: This was inspired from the five 3 sentence fics I wrote for a challenge on
shonda_land . Those are posted below. For the rest of my updates for this fic, they could range from lots more 3 sentence fics to long One-Shots. As the summary says, it's Little Pieces of Callie and Arizona.
Oh and I should mention, the two fics I'm using for the challenge are "Open Your Eyes" and "I Would Die for You"
Title and Summary were suggested to me by the wonderful
simplyaddie .
Arizona Robbins followed a gorgeous Latina into a bar bathroom, not just to comfort her but to get her to open her eyes. She wanted to prove to Callie that the world wasn't crashing down around her. She wanted to prove that there were people out there that wanted to be with her even though she couldn't see it.
Standing in front of a gun to protect the one she loves wasn't as tough as she would have thought. It made her realize how much Arizona means to her. It made Callie realize that she would do anything for Arizona, even die for her.
For months, one Calliope Torres questioned if true love actually existed. Then on a sad day, a beautiful blue-eyed blonde changed Callie's world by kissing her in a bar bathroom. From that day on, the life Callie knew was changed forever, because Arizona Robbins showed her what true love really is.
From the first moment Arizona saw Callie, she knew Callie was the one. After being together for so long, the feeling had just grown. And in this moment, standing in the parking lot after the shooting, she truly knows that Callie is the one for her.
As we've seen on Grey's Anatomy, some of the characters very rarely say the words 'I Love You'. Instead, a lot of the characters choose to stare at the one they love. A single look or moment may seem small to others but to the person the look is meant for it means the world.