Preview: Nice Place To Visit by sabinelagrande

Nov 05, 2009 11:22

Title: Nice Place To Visit
Author: sabinelagrande
Pairing: John/Rodney, Weir/Caldwell
Rating: (story) NC-17, (preview) PG-13
Word Count: ~42000
Summary: When an accident leaves John and Rodney stranded on a far-flung planet, Rodney gets a crash course in- among other things- cultural relativity, calligraphy, BDSM, and the care and feeding of heavily drugged Lieutenant Colonels. Contains explicit sex, possible dubcon, and armchair anthropology.

Notes: I'm afraid I've gone and written something rather odd- a slavefic with hardly any slaves, a fic about kink with almost no sex, a cultural study from the point of view of the most ethnocentric man in two galaxies- and every passage I picked to represent it seemed horribly misleading.

So, since it's kind of an odd story, I have some kind of odd bits to show you, including some (worksafe!) images.

"Wait." He reached out blindly, slapping John sort of vaguely around the ear before connecting with his shoulder. "I'm getting some really odd energy readings."

"What is it?" John said as the event horizon winked out.

Rodney held up a finger for silence. "Just hold up a minute while I take a look at this."

And then the gate exploded.


"Forgive me," she said. "But you must understand that we are all accustomed to assuming the worst."



John knelt quietly in front of him, and it was only then that he noticed the collar.

"Holy fuck, we're stranded on Gor," Rodney blurted.


"Say it," Rodney said, taking his hands off John's shoulders. "Tell me you want me, John, or I swear to God this ends right here."



How in the hell had he come to this? What was he even doing here?

What was he doing anywhere?


"You have a dog, right? A big one?" She nodded. "You know how big dogs are really sweet and gentle, and all they want is to sit directly on top of you, all the time? And it's sort of nice, but every once in a while you'll be petting its snout and remember that it could kill you just as soon as look at you?"

She nodded, looking a little concerned. "I follow you."

"Imagine a planet where a tenth of the population acted like that."

She raised her eyebrows, her mouth falling open slightly. "I see."

Rodney shrugged. "I was always a cat person."


So, not slavery. Something else. Caretaking. Training Sheppards for fun and profit. Whatever. He could do that, couldn't he? How the hell hard could it be?

A/N: Cover image for The Pirate and the Pagan- and yes, it is a real book- lovingly borrowed from

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