Preview: 'Genesis' by the_cephalopod

Nov 04, 2009 15:23

Title: Genesis
Author: the_cephalopod
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Word Count: ~62,000
Spoilers/Warning: Spoilers through the season 2 episode Trinity. No warnings other than NC-17 rating for explicit M/M sex.
Acknowledgements: Heartfelt thanks to my crack beta team: bluespirit_star, sgamadison and zinfic.

Summary In the aftermath of the Dorandan mission, Rodney thinks things can't ( Read more... )

2009 previews

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Comments 35

mezzo_cammin November 4 2009, 15:51:44 UTC
Looks so good! I know that in your hands, the characters will remain true, and it promises to be an excellent read! \o/


the_cephalopod November 4 2009, 16:15:17 UTC
Thank you - I really hope you enjoy it! It's all so exciting reading everyone's previews and feeling the anticipation grow. :) cep xxx


sgamadison November 4 2009, 16:05:28 UTC
Whee! I'm so glad to see your preview here--have I mentioned lately how much I love your story to bits? And I think you've chosen the perfect teaser snippets here as well.

I can't wait to fall in love with it all over again. I think this is among your best work ever and I'm getting excited about seeing the artwork paired with it too.

Aw heck, I'm just getting excited in general! :-)


the_cephalopod November 4 2009, 16:17:13 UTC
Thank you! *hugs* I didn't have the time for anything more than a few extracts, but I'm glad you think they give a good flavour of the story... A story that certainly wouldn't exist if not for your encouragement and help! *hugs again*

Not long now 'til it goes live!! \o/

cep xxx


sgamadison November 4 2009, 19:44:11 UTC
Hey, I was on the verge of pulling out my hair and scrapping the whole thing but for the hand-holding you (and bluespirit_star and lantean_drift) provided!

I'm more than ready for it to start--bring 'er on, I say!


Genesis by the_cephalopod iadorespike November 4 2009, 16:22:50 UTC
So, I know I said this before (when you posted the snippet in August), but it bears repeating. Ahem.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love post-Trinity fic.

Thanks so much!!


Re: Genesis by the_cephalopod the_cephalopod November 4 2009, 17:22:41 UTC
*g* I hope you enjoy it!! cep xxx


bluespirit_star November 4 2009, 16:37:42 UTC
What a cool preview! Plus you already know that I completely adore this fic! ♥


the_cephalopod November 4 2009, 17:24:02 UTC

I didn't have any time to do anything other than to post a few extracts, but I found I couldn't resist taking part in the previews regardless. Can't wait 'til it all goes live!!

Hope you're starting to feel better!

cep xxx


bluespirit_star November 4 2009, 18:19:54 UTC
This is a brilliant preview - you really catch the reader's interest & leave them panting for more ( & now, now, now! *g*)

Yay - I can't wait for it to go live too!
*dances in anticipation*
*looks at calendar*
Yikes! This is going to get tiring... ;-)

I'm feeling quite a bit better, thanks. I should be fighting fit for Sat! *g*


the_cephalopod November 4 2009, 19:39:10 UTC
*dances with you*

So glad you're feeling better and yay for Saturday!!

cep xxx


mikes_grrl November 4 2009, 16:45:20 UTC

I'm so very looking forward to this...the fallout of Doranda is a little kink of mine in SGA fic (as is insecure!Rodney...I know, I'm a bad, bad person), and honestly I think McKay was treated very unfairly by John/everyone -- well I could meta about that for hours! But I won't! I will just say that I am very interested in what you've set up here and anxious to read it! Doesn't hurt that you are one of my favorite SGA writers to start with. ♥


the_cephalopod November 4 2009, 17:25:29 UTC
Thank you so much! I love post-Trinity fics too and had so much fun exploring the aftermath in this story. I really hope you enjoy it! cep xxx


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