This is an SGA fic intended to be posted on
expectanything until LJ's most recent not-in-the-TOS policies. Because of the intended comm, warnings, which are spoilers for the plot, aren't posted with the fic, but in a separate, backposted and cut post. Pairings are also not listed for a similar reason. Anyone wanting to know may ask and I can reply in a screened comment so as to leave others unspoiled.
I have accounts under the username 'thetimebeing' at greatestjournal, insanejournal, and journalfen. You should be able to find the fic readily enough. See
my earlier post for why it will not be posted to LJ or directly text-linked under the current policy.
For those without accounts on those other services who would like to comment non-anonymously, feel free to do so
I'm just sorry I can't post it here or at least provide a text-link.