In the aftermath of the joint attack on the Replicators, the Atlantis team is more than a little interested when they find a Wraith hive ship abandoned in space. They can find no reason for it just being there but Teyla - who Sheppard has allowed to join them despite his misgivings about her participating due to her pregnancy - can fly the ship and
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Gee whiz. Evan got to play go on a mission with the big kids premier away team. And then is left babysitting Teyla on the return trip. It was sweet to see him talking to her about her pregnancy and his own nephews. At least someone's relating to her in a more personal manner regarding such an inconvenience. [No, I haven't forgotten about Ronon's sweet reaction when Teyla revealed her condition.] Mind you, I can understand John's discomfort, especially when it's tied in with U.S. Military practice (technically, women are barred from combat but often serve in an auxiliary capacity where there IS combat; once a pregnancy is admitted, the woman in question is transferred to desk duty) and his own background (also never having been a CO before, though these were exceptional circumstances beyond what any CO on Earth would have).
Everything inside that installation was so creepy. The exoskeleton reminded me of a cross between a crab and armadillo (so ... crabadillo?) and the mist along the floor like the asteroid scene from The Empire Strikes Back. Yes, I know it's not the first time we've seen mist inside, but it just struck me that way today. OTOH, those birthing cells were disgusting. And having a fairly mindless but raging creature be fitted with the face mask totally shudder-worthy. And that's before the team had discovered all those thousands of pods.
I was intrigued by the vines pinning the Queen to her throne. It may have looked as if she was being held in restraints, but she was still in control, merely being fed various nutrients, etc., through the vines. OTOH, let me amend that. She's the one who is supplying genetic material to the warrior-making pods. So, it seems as if the balance of a Queen's supremacy over her Hive has been altered and she is now almost a prisoner of the biological system. It seems as if a scarcity of Queens has not made them personally more powerful, but just their usefulness.
It was awfully nice of the team to rescue Todd who was on the verge of becoming a snack for the Queen. Talk about short-sighted ... that she wanted to feed on one of the intelligent scientific Wraith.
But, then, of course our team gets captured, though Todd escapes.
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