This has been an amazing couple of weeks! Thank you all so much: this was such a wonderful festival of love ♥
I'm going to put the masterlist up on the 2nd. Until then, I don't really mind if you decide to post on February 29th, 30th, or 31st *g* I am consistently in the middle of a fic when a deadline passes and get this horrible feeling of failure (my Romancing McShep fic: latest addition to dusty WIP folder *weeps*), so if you're making something, let me know, go ahead and post, post a preview, go nuts. Think of all those days February has been short-changing us of for years! It owes us more time...
Under the cut:
I wasn't sure which version I preferred: the one with dramatic! lens flare!
or the kind of artistic one that really brings out Elizabeth's 1980s shoulder pads...