SGA Love: Valentine's Day 2014

Jan 13, 2014 20:33

Welcome to the SGA Love celebration of Stargate: Atlantis. This is a sibling fest to Romancing McShep, which will be posting romantic and happy McShep from February 1 - please do go and check it out if that's your thing! ♥

We want everything else.

Bring your love for all the characters! We welcome any and all fanworks celebrating love of the show - gen, femslash, or slash; art, fic, icons, meta, podfic, recs, recipes, vids! We adore all rare pairs. (and if you have unhappy McShep, we will offer it a home: sometimes love just happens that way).

The first episode of SGA aired July 16, 2004 - that's ten years ago! And the amazing thing about the show is that the love just keeps of coming: new stories, new artworks, new ideas... Let's celebrate! *smooches all*

until February 14th: prompts can be left on the Prompts post. (bear in mind that there's less chance a late prompt will find a home: post early!)
February 8th: a schedule will be posted and posting dates can be claimed
February 14th - February 28th: posting (some days will be amnesty, and some will be character appreciation posts, drabble/drawble trees, art/fic finishing challenge, and so on.) More detailed posting schedule will go up when claiming opens.
March 2nd: a masterlist will be posted

1. People leave prompts!
2. People claim a posting date! (And if you finish early and want a new posting date, just let me know!)
3. Works are posted! (either based on a prompt or on your own idea) Works can be posted wherever you like (Vimeo, DeviantArt, AO3,, etc.) but please link to them from this comm.
3a. If you cannot post on the given day, talk to me (busaikko) about a different day.
3b. If you need to drop out at any time or for any reason, please let me know. I worry...

1. Please use the subject line to indicate "Any [character or pairing]", "[Pairing Name]", "Gen", or "Other".
1a. Please try to keep your prompts more evocative than specific. Prompts can be pictures, videos, episodes, screencaps, songs, etc. as well as words. Please don't give outlines instead of prompts!

Good Example: "Elizabeth/female character or Elizabeth Gen, Love in an Elevator" gives a lot of creative leeway.

Bad Example: "John/Teyla, John is a Shakespearean actor performing Mercutio, Teyla is assistant to the ambassador - together they fight crime! Art only, must be in the style of a Byzantine triptych" is dauntingly complex and hard to fill.

1b. The "Other" category can include prompts for mini-meta, requests for playlists or recipes, etc.

2. Please keep in mind that this is not an exchange and prompts will not be claimed.
2a. Prompters: We do this to keep the fest low-key. I have no problems with people posting their prompts to flists, Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr to ask/beg/bribe people to consider filling them.
2b. Fillers: What this does mean is that we really want you to have the freedom to change your mind. Maybe influenza derailed your Byzantine triptych project, but you can make an elevator music fanmix for Elizabeth. It's all good! There's love for everything.

Promotional Banner! Please take one for promotion!">" alt="SGA Love Promotional Banner" title="SGA Love promotional banner" width="400">

Many thanks to sga_smooch owner gaffsie for allowing use of this space. ♥ ♥


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