2017 Rules and Sign-ups!

Sep 27, 2017 00:01

Here we go again, folks!*
*Pssst. I stand corrected. This will not be the last Secret Santa because multiple amazing people have already expressed interested in taking over!! *\o/*

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Comments 21

Yay! I'm Excited respoftw September 27 2017, 07:23:48 UTC
LJ name: respoftw
Email: ash_pixie@hotmail.com
Genre(s) I'd like: Slash or Gen please
Pairings/characters I'd like: I'm unabashedly all about Rodney McKay. Although my OTP is McShep I will ship Rodney with anyone and everyone so any pairing as long as it involves Rodney. Any and all other characters are welcome because I love them all. I am especially fond of team, Radek, Miko, Carson, Caldwell, Jack O'Neill and Woolsey.
Things I'd LIKE: I'm pretty open to most tropes/genres tbh but some of my favourites are: kid fics, angsty fics, hurt/comfort (hurt Rodney is preferable), romance, fake/pretend relationships (with happy ending),vampire/creature! Rodney, Sentinel/Guide and AMTDI. I don't mind if it's AU or canon.
Things I'd DISLIKE: ABO, High school/College AU, Genderswaps.

Genre(s) I can write: Slash, Gen or Poly.
What I CAN write: Whatever you'd like with the below exceptions. I especially love writing McShep/Team/Rodney centric fics and my favourite things to write are kid fics, shmoopy romance, hardcore angst, hurt/comfort (hurt ( ... )


lizs36 September 27 2017, 09:55:05 UTC
LJ name: Lizs36 (Previously Lizs24)
Email: wyldwych31 at gmail dot com
Genre(s) I'd like: Gen/het
Pairings/characters I'd like: I ship Carson/Teyla and Sheppard/Weir, but love all the characters, so team plus Elizabeth, Radek, Lorne etc. Pairings in no way a must.
Things I'd LIKE: H/C, Romance, Action, Mystery, Humour - almost anything really. Particularly like fics where Teyla and Ronon get to shine as much as John and Rodney. Maybe a situation where they all have to rely on their lesser used (on-screen) skills.
Things I'd DISLIKE: Slash, out and out horror, kid fic high-school AU.

Genre(s) I can write: Gen/het
What I CAN write: Team, humour, action, angst, friendship, romance. Maybe AU.
What I CAN'T write: Slash, gory horror
Pinch hit? No, sorry. I won't have time.


ext_4078282 September 27 2017, 11:22:54 UTC
LJ name: mific
Email: fizzp at me dot com
Genre(s) I'd like: Slash, poly, gen
Pairings/characters I'd like: Sheppard with anyone, John/Rodney, team AR1 any combo of moresomes.
Things I'd LIKE: AUs and fusions, humor but not over the top crack, plot, slow burn UST with eventual payoff, McShep snark, even more snark, competency, future-fic.
Things I'd DISLIKE: partner betrayal, extreme angst-wallowing or H with almost no C, deathfic/hopelessness.

Genre(s) I can write: (Gen/het/slash/femslash/poly). Almost any, but prefer not to write pairings involving Beckett or Weir.
What I CAN write: Most things, see below.
What I CAN'T write: partner betrayal, extreme angst-wallowing or H with almost no C, deathfic/hopelessness.
Pinch hit? Yep


brumeier September 27 2017, 13:07:40 UTC
LJ name: brumeier
Email: brumeier@hotmail.com
Genre(s) I'd like: Slash, Gen
Pairings/characters I'd like: I'm a McShep girl all the way, but I also love Lorne paired with just about anyone, and I really like team fic and Rodney being besties with Radek and/or Cadman
Things I'd LIKE: Happy endings absolutely, but there can be h/c and angst and pining before that happens, humor, AUs are love, day in the life, kidfic, action, romance, sexytimes, Sentinel/Guide
Things I'd DISLIKE: non-con, gender swap, AMTDI, partner betrayal, deathfic, explicit torture, humiliation, ABO, mpreg

Genre(s) I can write: Most of them, though I'm best at slash. I've never tried poly so not sure how I'd be at that.
What I CAN write: Slash pairings (best at McShep but can do others), AUs, kidfic, domestic fic, h/c, temp character death, sexytimes that aren't too kinky, Sentinel/Guide, soulmates
What I CAN'T write: non-con, gender swap, AMTDI, partner betrayal, humiliation, deathfic, explicit torture, incompetent Rodney, ABO, mpreg
Pinch hit? Pppfft. I'll have enough ( ... )


YES it's already SGASS time again!! clotpolelis September 27 2017, 13:22:24 UTC
LJ name: clotpolelis
Email: clotpolelis at gmail
Genre(s) I'd like: Slash, mostly. I'm a simple Lis with simple needs.
Pairings/characters I'd like: McKay/Sheppard as the main pairing. I love all our characters though, especially Zelenka, Teyla, Ronon, Lorne, Jeannie, SAM CARTER. SG-1 characters visiting without the terribleness of how it went down on the show. Pairings I like include Teyla/Ronon, Teyla/Sam
Things I'd LIKE: I love H/C, love first-year, no contact with Earth stuff or Sam-era stuff. Anything about how Atlantis's culture is different from Earth's, band of misfits finding a home, outsider POV stuff especially Teyla and Ronon. I love anything where Lorne has two moms.
Things I'd DISLIKE: Kidfic (I have one, I don't need to read about one), holiday themed fic, extreme fluff, extreme sadness, any dark!AUs.

Genre(s) I can write: Mostly McKay/Sheppard, but I can take a swing at femslash or gen as well. Can't write either of the guys with other people, alas.
What I CAN write: Romance, weirdly specific AUs (give me all your research- ( ... )


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