Aug 21, 2006 09:18
Registration is officially closed for the First Annual Stargate Atlantis Secondary Characters Ficathon.
For those who asked: We have an impressive 20 entrants. Yay! for the little guy (and girl).
Your assignments will be going out via EMail on the 27th(1). They will be coming from, so please adjust your spam filters accordingly. If you haven't received an assignment by 0001 EST August 29, please EMail the above address to let me know that you slipped through the cracks. Details regarding completed assignment submission will be included with the assignments.
Warnings: I will be providing 1-Week-to-Drop-Deadline, Drop Deadline(2), 2-Weeks-to-Final, and 1-Week-to-Final (AKA - Get it to your beta, people!) warnings via both this community and EMail.
Pinch Hitters: If you signed up to pinch hit (And there were a number who did, bless them), you will receive your secondary assignment (No pun intended. Honest) no later than 0001 EST October 3. If you haven't been tapped by then, you won't be.
1. For whom it may concern: We didn't actually have a request from anyone for a Kavanagh Wing!fic/Fairy!Fic. That was an idle threat. Honest.
2. If you have an honest emergency - We're going by the academic standards here (Family emergency, severe property damage, etc), flexibility in drop-deadline does exist. Should such extenuating circumstances exist, EMail me and explain in at least a moderate level of detail, and we'll see what we can do. The drop deadline is there as a courtesy to those willing to pick up a second assignment, however, so please honor it if at all possible
Feel free to comment if you have questions.