Title: Stuck With You Author: seramercury Rating: G Author: Santa! Prompt for lanna_kitty: Humor/Friendship!Fic Disclaimers: All characters of Stargate Atlantis are property of Gekko Productions, MGM Studios, and the Sci-Fi Channel.
I love the fact that you've written John and Rodney's friendship. I am not a fan of McShep, but I do love their friendship, especially since they are so very different. You have done an excellent portrayal of this friendship.
hahaha *hugs* thats so much fun ^_^ poor carson having to listen to them bicker constantly. heee and thats just something rodney would do, touch stuff hes not supposed to ^_^ i love it, thanks!
Comments 5
This is so funny!
poor carson having to listen to them bicker constantly. heee and thats just something rodney would do, touch stuff hes not supposed to ^_^ i love it, thanks!
I've always liked John and Rodney's bickering, and you've got it just right!
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