SGA Santa Masterlist 2014

Jan 01, 2015 13:40

We ended up with 75 stories in all, just under 300,000 words, thanks to some Santa Madness stories :)

And yes, in case anyone is wondering, the stories by Claire and I were the last stories posted in the main fest. It seemed fitting. After all, we started this thing and we were damned well determined to finish it, too :D


Close to Home (Gen, PG) by lantean_breeze [for ceitie]
A Day in the Life of Elizabeth Weir (Gen, PG13) by falcon_horus [for paranoidangel42]
Erytheia (Gen, G) by rosweldrmr [for ladysorka]
Escape (Gen, PG-13) by last01standing [for imwithrebel]
Five People Who Helped Evan Lorne... (Gen, T) by gelbes_gilatier [for squeakyoflight]
Four Coats (Gen, G) by ladysorka [for shetiger]
From... To... (Gen, PG-13) by falcon_horus [for hoktauri]
Hail Mary (Gen, G) by mific [for hoktauri]
Long Road to Eden (Gen, mention of Beckett/McKay, G) by padfootthegrim [for kat_lair]
The Making of TARTS (Gen, PG) by mandykaysfic [for gelbes_gilatier]
Merry Christmas, John Sheppard (Gen with hints of McKay/Sheppard, PG13) by rabidfan [for islandofwords]
A Tale of Three Planets (Gen, G) by imwithrebel [for rosweldrmr]
The Ties That Bind (Gen, PG13) by kisahawklin [for mandykaysfic]
The Unofficial SGC Guide For Uninformed Scientists (Gen, PG13) by icarusancalion [for last01standing]
The Unofficial SGC Guide For Uninformed Officers [Extras] (Gen, PG13) by icarusancalion [for last01standing]
Victories (Gen, G) by ceitie [for alyse]



Brand New Ballgame (Emmagan/Sheppard, T) by shetiger [for lantean_breeze]


50 Shades of Weir (Sheppard/Weir, NC-17) by muses_mistress [for theladymore]
Destiny is calling me (Sheppard/Weir, PG-13) by theladymore [for valeria_sg_1]
I can't say goodbye again (Sheppard/Weir, Brown/McKay, PG13) by valeria_sg_1 [for galfridian]
Morning After, and After (Sheppard/Weir, NC-17) by hoktauri [for muses_mistress]

Other Pairings

Green Soup and Hearts (Emmagan/Lorne, G) by squeakyoflight [for smaragdbird]
I can't say goodbye again (Sheppard/Weir, Brown/McKay, PG13) by valeria_sg_1 [for galfridian]


Secret Santa (Emmagan/Heightmeyer, G) by hoktauri [for falcon_horus]


Pairing: Beckett/McKay

Long Road to Eden (Gen, mention of Beckett/McKay, G) by padfootthegrim [for kat_lair]
Writing on the Wall [ Part 1 | Part 2 ] (Beckett/McKay, NC-17) by kat_lair [for flubber2kool]

Pairing: Dex/Sheppard

Blaze of Glory (Dex/Sheppard, R) by kimberlite [for kapuahi]
Breathe You In (Dex/Sheppard, NC-17) by angelus2hot [for wings128]
Runner (Dex/Sheppard, NC-17, interactive fic) by mific [for whiteraven1606]
Soft Strike (Dex/Sheppard, NC-17) by whiteraven1606 [for admiralandrea]

Pairing: Lorne/Parrish

Cells, Clones, and Chances (McKay/Sheppard, Lorne/Parrish, G) by squidgiepdx and elderwitty [for krystalicekitsu]
Divergence, Convergence (Lorne/Parrish, PG13) by mific [for eviljr]
How to Get Out of a Bet (or Not) (Lorne/Parrish, G) by smaragdbird [for sexycazzy]
Remedial Gun-Holding (and Other Survival Skills) (McKay/Sheppard, Lorne/Parrish, PG) by out_there [for starbuckssue]

Pairing: Lorne/Zelenka

Ding-Ding-Ding Goes the Trolley (Lorne/Zelenka, G) by gblvr [for skitz_phenom]
It All Began In A Galaxy Far Far Away. (Lorne/Zelenka, NC-17) by flubber2kool [for padfootthegrim]
Not Guided By Reason (Lorne/Zelenka, NC-17) by moonlettuce [for gblvr]
The Touch of His Hand (Lorne/Zelenka, R) by moonlettuce [for gblvr]

Pairing: McKay/Sheppard

At Least Wings of a Dove Would’ve Been Poetic (McKay/Sheppard, R) by outsideth3box [for taste_is_sweet]
Call, If Aliens (McKay/Sheppard, PG-13) by eviljr [for tarlanx]
Caput (McKay/Sheppard, PG) by temaris [for kisahawklin]
Caves are not awesome) (McKay/Sheppard, G by ca_pierson [for temaris]
Cut my feelings to the bone [ Part 1 | Part 2 ] (McKay/Sheppard, PG-13) by gottalovev [for hyx_sydin]
Cells, Clones, and Chances (McKay/Sheppard, Lorne/Parrish, G) by squidgiepdx and elderwitty [for krystalicekitsu]
Consequences (McKay/Sheppard, PG13) by tarlanx [for gryphon2k]
Distracted by Shiny Things (McKay/Sheppard, PG) by goddess47 [for persiflager]
Don't Worry, I'm Happy (McKay/Sheppard, PG) by paranoidangel42 [for ami_ven]
Ex igne veritas (McKay/Sheppard, PG13) by krystalicekitsu [for sundaydriver]
Four Times John Almost got Married and One Time it Stuck (McKay/Sheppard, PG) by melagan [for squidgiepdx]
The Fundamental Things [ Part 1 | Part 2 ] (McKay/Sheppard, PG-13) by taste_is_sweet [for brumeier]
Give Me Strength (McKay/Sheppard, PG-13) by gryphon2k [for syndelar]
Glad-handing the Neighbors (McKay/Sheppard, PG-13) by persiflager [for busaikko]
Grinching (McKay/Sheppard, PG) by out_there [for shaddyr]
Hidden Agendas (McKay/Sheppard, PG) by goddess47 [for ca_pierson]
Itch to Scratch (McKay/Sheppard, PG) by danceswithgary [for kidenagain]
Lean on Me (McKay/Sheppard, G) by ami_ven [for clotpolelis]
Let Your Love Flow (McKay/Sheppard, NC-17) by admiralandrea [for Angelus2hot]
Merry Christmas, John Sheppard (Gen with hints of McKay/Sheppard, PG13) by rabidfan [for islandofwords]
Merry Little Christmas (McKay/Sheppard, G) by kidenagain [for resqueln]
Not a victim, just a guy (McKay/Sheppard, NC-17) by darkmoore [for fawkesielady_ed]
Porchlight (McKay/Sheppard, T) by clotpolelis [for aqualegia]
Reasons to Breathe (McKay/Sheppard, PG) by islandofwords [for that_which]
Reconnection - Return to Pegasus (McKay/Sheppard, PG) by starbuckssue [for taliahale]
Remedial Gun-Holding (and Other Survival Skills) (McKay/Sheppard, Lorne/Parrish, PG) by out_there [for starbuckssue]
The risks we take (McKay/Sheppard, NC-17) by syndelar [for darkmoore]
A Scrap Of Gold (McKay/Sheppard, G) by resqueln [for goddess47]
Secret Santa (McKay/Sheppard, G) by hyx_sydin [for melagan]
She's Got That Look (McKay/Sheppard, NC-17) by shaddyr [for out_there]
Sink or Swim (McKay/Sheppard, M) by clotpolelis [for gottalovev]
Supernova (McKay/Sheppard, NC-17) by alyse [for icarusancalion]
Sure, Why Not? (McKay/Sheppard, PG) by sundaydriver [for Hyperfocused]
Two Guys Walk Into A Bank (McKay/Sheppard, G) by brumeier [for rabidfan]
Unburdened (McKay/Sheppard, NC-17) by hoktauri [for mific]
Viewers Like You (McKay/Sheppard, PG) by Hyperfocused [for danceswithgary]
We Should Live in Salt (McKay/Sheppard, NC-17) by busaikko [for outsideth3box]

Pairing: McKay/Zelenka

Winter Night (McKay/Zelenka, PG) by kat_lair [for flubber2kool]

Pairing: Mitchell/Sheppard

Lovers and Friends (Mitchell/Sheppard, T) by dorothyoz1939 [for badfalcon]
Mistletoe and Rhus Wine (Mitchell/Sheppard, NC-17) by wings128 [for dorothyoz1939]
What The Colonel Wants (Mitchell/Sheppard, O'Neill/Mitchell/Sheppard, NC-17) by badfalcon [for kimberlite]


Not Quite a Square (OT4, PG) by whiteraven1606 [for moonlettuce]
What The Colonel Wants (Mitchell/Sheppard, O'Neill/Mitchell/Sheppard, NC-17) by badfalcon [for kimberlite]

As always, please let me know if I've messed up anywhere. I'm now in the process of working through the stories to add author names and any reveal notes.

masterlist: 2014

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