I hope this is still the right format. :)
lavvyan E-mail: lavvyan @ web. de
Things I'd like: McKay/Sheppard slash with a happy ending, please (can be sad as long as you make it okay in the end). AUs are always cool, but not necessary. I'd love some snarky First Time story, doesn't have to be NC-17, just in character, please.
Things I wouldn't like: Unhappy ending, the guys behaving like teenage girls, kinky stuff involving, um, organic disposal. *coughs*
What I can do: I write McKay/Sheppard slash, and I'm pretty sure I can make up something with Radek, Ronon or Teyla, be it slash, or team!fic. I'm good at angst and crack, and I'll write you a death!fic as well as something truly schmoopy, whatever you want.
What I can't do: I suck at het, I'm afraid, and I'm not too good at porn, though I'll write it, if I have to. Nothing too kinky, though. That would take ages to write, and you'll want to have your fic on Christmas, not some time in June. *g*
Pinch hitter?: Ask first, please. I'll try, but I probably won't have the time.