Pinch Hitter Appreciation Post

Dec 24, 2014 09:29

Okay, I lied, largely because I've now had tea(!) and my mother has decided to tag along for the shopping part of the day and isn't ready yet.

Below are the requests from people who wrote a pinch hit, in case anyone would like to write them anything extra.

Pinch Hitter 1 (didn't sign up, so has no story): Kavanagh/Lorne, Lorne/Parrish or Lorne gen

Pinch Hitter 2 (wrote 2 pinch hits as well as main story): Loves rare pairs - requests include Rodney McKay/Aiden Ford, John Sheppard/Keras, Peter Grodin/John Sheppard, Keller/Sheppard, Keller/Vega (or Keller/Vega/Sheppard). Also would love gen fic focusing on Sheppard, Keller, Ford, Keras, Grodin, and/or Zelenka. Would love John Sheppard as a mnemonic courier. Loves lots of tropes and iddy-fic things, including mpreg, A/B/O, non-con, addiction, Wraith etc. Does not want kink above mild, BDSM or genderbends, and would prefer no crossovers.

Pinch Hitter 3: McKay/Sheppard. Fond of romantic comedy, AU or Harlequin style stories. No major angst or PWP.

Pinch Hitter 4: Female centric fic. Favourite characters include Kate Heightmeyer, Teyla, Elizabeth, Laura, Katie, Novak, Miko, Radek, Lorne, Carson, John. Preferred pairings include Kate/Teyla, Kate/John, Kate/Elizabeth, Laura/Carson, Teyla/Kanaan, Katie/Rodney, Kate/Lorne, Laura/Teyla. Also female centric gen. No m/m fic.

Pinch Hitter 5: Pairings requested include Dex/Sheppard, McKay/Sheppard or Dex/McKay/Sheppard. Likes team fic, Ancient Tech fic, hurt-comfort or Ronon learning about Earth.

Pinch Hitter 6: McKay/Sheppard, Dex/Keller, Dex/Emmagan or any combination of Teyla, Ronon, Elizabeth, Lorne, Radek, or Jennifer. No non-con, Keller bashing, AUs or Kanaan.

Pinch Hitter 7: McKay/Sheppard, snark and banter. Also Zelenka. Nothing too dark.

If you put the Pinch Hitter Number in the recipient line, we'll update it when we do the reveals.

admin: pinch hitter appreciation

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