For old times' sake...

Oct 04, 2014 17:58


Oh man, I may regret this… But if I don’t do it this last time then I’ll probably regret it even more. SGA was the fandom that got me on LJ and I thoroughly enjoyed the three Santa exchanges I did during the early days.


LJ: kat_lair

Email: kat_lair at hotmail dot com

Things I'd like: McKay/Beckett and McKay/Zelenka are my favourite pairings. Does anyone still write those? Man, I’ve been away from this fandom for a long time… Anyway, I like geeks being geeks, friends to lovers, ust, holiday themed fluff, banter, humour, surprise!competence, h/c, angst and misunderstanding are welcome as long as there is a happy ending. I also like John/Ronon with friends to lovers and cultural differences and power play thrown in (more on this later). Teyla/Ronon is also welcome because I think they would be a sweet couple. If none of these pairings are doable, I would be happy with team!fic and friendship oriented stories, perhaps something focusing on ladies of Atlantis being awesome, or scientist shenanigans. I really love ‘cut off from Earth’ type of stories where the Atlantis team will have to become self-sufficient and develop their own traditions. Focus on the international elements of the expedition and mix of cultures is particularly welcome since the showrunners tended to forget about it. Something about minor or original characters from different countries would be great. I’m happy with all ratings, from G to NC-17 but please keep the porn character/plot driven. I also really like d/s if it’s not all about sex, get the psychological and emotional side in there and I’m happy. Voluntary kneeling (someone dropping to their knees as a sing of submission) gets me where I live. If incorporating it for my preferred pairings I have a strong preference who is the dominant partner. For McBeck I’d prefer Beckett as dom, for John/Ronon I’m prefer John (I’m a sucker for the ‘it’s a Satedan tradition to submit to one’s commanding officer’ trope), McZelenka… Actually, for that I don’t mind which way you swing if you can sell it.

Things I wouldn't like: McShep. I like it but it’s not my favourite and there’s so much of it that I’d like something else. AU, not for this exchange. Something that focuses exclusively on later season characters (I don’t think I’ve seen the last season completely). PWP (porn is fine but must serve the story). Established relationship. Unhappy endings. Character death. Apocalypse. Medical kink. Gender/bodyswap. Time travel. Zombies. Adultery.

What I can do: I’m happy to try my hand at almost everything including slash, het, femslash and gen. I’d prefer McKay/Beckett, McKay/Zelenka, Beckett/Zelenka, John/Ronon or team friendship but can do other pairings, yes even McShep but doubt you have a need for more McShep writers. I can do dark fic, angst and heavy kink as well as happy fluffy humour. All ratings.

What I can't do: I’m actually happy to write most things I wouldn’t want to read except for medical kink and gender/bodyswap. And zombies, nah let’s skip those.

Pinch hitter?: No, can’t do it I’m afraid.


requests: p: dex/emmagan, requests: cat: slash, requests: c: ronon dex, requests: c: rodney mckay, requests: cat: het, requests: p: beckett/mckay, requests: p: dex/sheppard, requests: c: radek zelenka, requests: cat: gen, requests: p: mckay/zelenka, requests: c: carson beckett, requests: c: john sheppard

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