all things must pass

Oct 02, 2014 21:17


Things I'd like: McKay-Sheppard. It's been a long, long year, and I'd love a story about growing up or overcoming obstacles or settling into the future together. It would make me happy if they improbably figured out a way to get out of their own way and lived happily ever after. I'm also open to team being happily bonded as a family. Humor is a huge plus.

Things I wouldn't like: Please, no consent issues, and no explicit violence. I'm really feeling bluebirds and sparkles right now.

What I can do: Snark, mostly.

What I can't do: Explicit sex and relationships where consent is an issue.

Pinch hitter?: Sure.

requests: cat: slash, requests: p: mckay/sheppard

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