(no subject)

Sep 25, 2014 19:17

Livejournal: whiteraven1606

E-mail: whiteraven16 @ gmail.com

Things I'd like: John Sheppard/Ronon Dex or John/Rodney or John/Rodney/Ronon for pairings. Team mission fics are okay. I don't care about rating.
Ronon and John are my favorite characters in SGA. I'm a sucker for John having to deal with Ancient tech doing something nutty to him.
I like when people are trying to teach Ronon things about Earth culture (in my headcannon Ronon is dyslexic, but that's not a requirement whatsoever). I like stories set in Atlantis or stranded with the Gate not working or someone is injured or just anything really.
If it is smut I like kinks including scars, marking/hickeys, rough sex, breath play, CBT, bondage (not Rodney bound though, please), double penetration, fisting, and sounding.
I like fusions/crossovers where an element or character from a crossover is in the SGA world, but I don't expect a crossover by any means. Examples would be: John is Immortal and friends with Methos. Or Ronon is a Guide and John's a Sentinel, but doesn't know he is. Or John knows Eliot Spencer from Leverage and Parker attempts to steal Ronon.

Things I wouldn't like: Scat, necro, partner betrayal, watersports, permeant death (temporary death is fine, but happy ending, please), non-con within the fic (if it is background for a character that's fine).

What I can do: Slash. John/Rodney, John/Ronon, John/Rodney/Ronon, John/Carson, John/Carson/Ronon. I can write most anything except crack. As a last resort I can write deathfics, but I will make you cry and it will not be pretty. I can write either early or late series, but I'm sketchy with the last season. I can do mission fics or include Carter or Weir or either Carson or Keller or Caldwell.

What I can't do: Femslash, or het. Crack. Writing a character as a blood sucking vampire. I can't write explicit rated slash with Zelenka or any sort of slash with Lorne or any Wraith as part of the paring. I don't like writing deathfics, but in a pinch I can do it.

Pinch hitter?: Yes.

requests: p: dex/sheppard, requests: cat: slash, requests: p: mckay/sheppard, requests: c: ronon dex, requests: c: rodney mckay, requests: c: john sheppard

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