(no subject)

Sep 22, 2014 13:08

LiveJournal: paranoidangel42
E-mail: paranoidangel at gmail

Things I'd like: My favourite character is Elizabeth, so I would really like something focusing on her. Ideally set during season 2 or 3, but season 1 and season 4-5 with a bit of AUing so she's still there are ok too. I also like John, Rodney, Ronon, Carson, Zelenka and the original SG1 team, so am also happy to have them in there, as long as Elizabeth is the main character (that doesn't rule out any other characters if you think they work better/are more comfortable writing them).

Plot-wise, I'd love to see her using her Ancient language knowledge or dealing with the John & Rodney double act. Or dealing with a team who've gone on a mission where aliens made them do it (especially if they did it a creative way and/or involved two people who have no interest in each other in that way). Or just dealing with the day to day work in Atlantis, eg supplies, teams going off and coming back, the usual crises, not having time to sleep etc. Teyla and Elizabeth discussing leadership/being leaders/just generally being friends. Anything that has elements of an episode is good, and you can't go wrong with humour. I also quite like the idea of 'what if' AUs, such as they don't go back to Atlantis during The Return or Elizabeth goes to Earth with the Ancients during Before I Sleep. I am a sucker for the finding Ancient devices that we don't know what they do cliché.

My main ship with Elizabeth is with Jack O'Neill, but I also ship her with John, Ronon and Caldwell. I also ship John/Rodney, John/Teyla, Carson/Cadman, John/Sam. I hadn't previously considered Elizabeth/Sam, but I like the idea of them getting together over being leaders of Atlantis/fancying Jack or John. However, you can't go wrong with gen and friendship. I also like the banter.

Or ignore all of the above if none of it interests you and write Elizabeth being awesome and I will be happy :)

Things I wouldn't like: Any pairings not listed above. Anything above a PG-13 rating. PWP/something purely focused on a ship. Deaths of any of the main characters. Any children. Any Wraith. AUs that completely change the setting (eg coffee shop) - I don't mind 'what if' AUs. Crossovers, except with SG1. Threesomes/moresomes.

What I can do: Elizabeth, John, Rodney, Carson, Zelenka. John/Elizabeth, John/Rodney, John/Teyla, Elizabeth/Jack, Elizabeth/Ronon, Elizabeth/Caldwell, Jack/Elizabeth, Jack/Sam, Jack/Daniel. Gen.

What I can't do: Ratings above PG-13 or pairings not listed above. I can't write Ford, Lorne, Heightmeyer, Keller, Woolsey, Cam, Vala, or Sam as leader of Atlantis. SGU. AUs that completely change the setting.

Pinch hitter? : No

requests: cat: gen, requests: c: elizabeth weir

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