One Last Spin of the SGA Dreidel!

Sep 02, 2014 15:12

*rolls up sleeves* Let's get our hands dirty!

LiveJournal: hoktauri

Things I'd like: I'm fond of rare pairs and while there are a lot that I love, I'll give you my top 3. If none of those suit your writing fancy, see my "What I Can Write" section for more pairing ideas. I would love you forever and ever if you wrote me: Rodney McKay/Aiden Ford, John Sheppard/Keras, or Peter Grodin/John Sheppard (if you can't tell, I'm a bit of a season 1 junkie). I'd also be down for some Keller/Sheppard or Keller/Vega (or Keller/Vega/Sheppard). If shipping isn't your thing, gen fic focusing on Sheppard, Keller, Ford, Keras, Grodin, and/or Zelenka (or ALL OF THEM WHICH WOULD BE PHENOMENAL MAGIC) would be amazing and awesomesauce.

Plot-wise: I'll say it again (for the last time! D:) and maybe it'll happen this year: John Sheppard as a mnemonic courier. :D (And here's a scene from the film that explains it as well.) Buuuut... if that's not your thing, I also like case fic, kinky stuff, and mpreg; stories involving A/B/O, dub-con, rape/non-con, h/c, body horror, apocalyptic fic, zombies, the Wraith, drug use/addiction, temporary or permanent death, and exploration of darker themes of the series; established relationship, first time, mild kinks, sexy fun times, and stories involving character(s) w/ illnesses or disabilities are all fantastic.

Things I wouldn't like: BDSM & gore, kinks involving bodily fluids, genderbending (tho genderswap by way of Ancient device is okay, if that's where the muse is drawing you). Would prefer no fusions unless it's with an especially dark or futuristic canon (Blade Runner, Johnny Mnemonic, Almost Human, etc.). Don't much care for Sheppard/Weir or Sheppard/Teyla, and Lorne really isn't pinging my radar this year. Also, I'm kinda hungover on John/Rodney and there'll be lots of other McShep stories this year anyway, surely, so I'd like to not see them as a pairing in my fic this year, please.

What I can do: Rare pairs. Always the rare pairs. Aiden/Rodney, Jennifer/Aiden, John/Keras, John/Caldwell, John/Todd, Zelenka/anyone, Lorne/Daniel, John/Lorne, Katie Brown/Laura Cadman, Heightmeyer/Teyla, Jonas/Teyla, Elizabeth/Mike, Sheppard/Atlantis, Carter/Sheppard, Sheppard/Vala, Sheppard/Woolsey, Rodney/Allina, Grodin/Weir, Kavanagh/Weir, Lorne/Kavanagh, Jonas/Kavanagh, Jonas/anyone really, Keller/Vega, Keller/Ronon. Character-wise, I love to write Sheppard, Keller, Ford, McKay, Ronon, Teyla, Keras & his people, anything about the Wraith but specifically Wraith queens and/or Todd, Carter, Weir, and/or Zelenka, and I'd also be willing to write any of them in pairing. I can also do John/Rodney, Rodney/Jennifer, and OT4. And really, b/c it's so true: Sheppard/anyone.

Also: Crack. Smut. PWP. Team fic, case fic, mystery/horror/thriller. Mpreg is my bread and butter. A/B/O, dub-con, non-con, h/c, fluff, tentacles, body horror, fusions, established relationship, first time, mild kinks, domestic, kidfic, sexy fun times, death, ascension, character w/ illnesses or disabilities, queer gen, anything I've forgotten to add from my "Want" list above, and probably more that I can't think of right now but these are the basics/things I'm strongest at.

What I can't do: This time around, there's nothing I won't do, no pairing I won't ship. Let's do this last blast with a bang!

Pinch hitter?: Most likely, unless dire things come up IRL.

(Mods, let me know if I need more tags; I couldn't really decide how many would be necessary and my post is already a mile long.)

requests: p: other, requests: cat: gen, requests: cat: femslash, requests: p: keller/sheppard, requests: cat: het

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