*plunges in*

Oct 08, 2013 22:40

LiveJournal: shetiger
E-mail: docmichelle [at] gmail [dot] com
Things I'd like: There are three things that I'm most interested in from Santa this year:

- A McKay/Sheppard/Carter story. It can be a one-night stand or a big romance, it doesn't really matter. I'd prefer that it ended relatively angst-free if possible. (If they happily agree to move on, that's fine, but I'd rather there be no deaths or broken hearts. And I'd rather you didn't bring up Carter/O'Neill more than a reference to it being over or something similar, if at all possible.)
- A John/Teyla story. I'd prefer a romance between them, but whether it's first-time, established relationship, background of an action-adventure story, I don't really care. Preferably a happy ending. (I haven't seen most of season 5, so don't feel like you have to follow the canon ending of the show for my sake, though it's fine if you do.)
- Something gen-ish featuring awesome women being awesome. Teyla, or possibly Jeannie Miller or Sam Carter, would be my preference.

(Dear mods: If the above makes me too much of a pain for matching, just poke me and I can widen my requests.)

Things I wouldn't like: Absolutely no Parrish. No Jennifer Keller as a prominent part of the story, and I prefer Jennifer/Rodney to be mentioned as little as possible. No death or rape fic, please. Please no Rodney bashing if you're writing John/Teyla (or at all, really). And, uh, I tend not to 'get' crack. I don't particularly like the Mensa 'verse, but I enjoy playing in the Dotcom 'verse. Please no lifestyle BDSM or BDSM universes, A/B/O/Omegaverse, genderswap, or mpreg. My biggest squick is purposeful humiliation (one character humiliates another on purpose, whether it's in a sexual situation or otherwise). I know nothing about SGU and I'm not really interested in a story having a lot to do with the SG-1 characters/plotline, either. (Other than Carter, of course.)

What I can do: I am most excited about writing stories featuring any of the following characters: John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan, Rodney McKay, and Ronon Dex. I can also do Major Lorne, Radek Zelenka, Elizabeth Weir, Kate Heightmeyer, and possibly Sam Carter. (My SG-1 knowledge is a bit hazy and I might not be the best person for someone who wants something epic dealing with her whole history.) I can do any pairings/combos of the above. Oh, and I wouldn't mind writing the Wraith, but please, no Michael.

What I can't do: No Parrish, Michael, Jennifer Keller, or McKay/Keller. I'm really 'eh' about writing Beckett, Ford, Caldwell, Cadman, or Woolsey, though I'll stretch if you need me to. Same with any characters introduced in season 5. I'd prefer not to write crack. Crossovers with SG-1 make me nervous, but I can try. I know nothing about SGU.

Pinch hitter?: Possibly. Please feel free to ask.

requests: c: jeannie miller, requests: p: emmagan/sheppard, requests: p: ot3, requests: cat: het, requests: cat: multi, requests: c: sam carter, requests: c: teyla emmagan, requests: cat: gen

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