ozsaur E-mail: ausar @ netdoor.com
Things I'd like: John/Rodney, please! And thank you for writing a story for me! I have a lot of ideas here, but if you come up with something completely different, I will still be very pleased. As long as you enjoy what you write, I will enjoy reading it!
This year, I'm really in the mood for an AU, preferably a canon AU - The Road Not Taken, Mensaverse, Vegas, Daedalus Variations etc. - or canon compliant - stories that use canon as a jumping off point.
I'd love any kind of canon AU, but I've had this thought for a while to find out more about the badass Wraith from Daedalus Variations. It would be fun if that Atlantis contacted canon Atlantis and asked for help. Or gave a warning. Or if canon John and Rodney, or the team, went back to the other universe for whatever reason.
For a canon compliant AU, I will always adore a Conversion story. What if John doesn't become fully human again? What if he looks human, but really isn't? Would he hide the changes? Would it give him advantages? What if John became fully bug-ified physically, but is still mentally John? So many options, and I want to read them all!
And I can never get enough SGA/The Sentinel fusions. If you're at all familiar with Sentinels and Guides, I'd be perfectly happy with John and Rodney as Sentinel and Guide and it's up to you which is which. I'd still want this to take place on Atlantis, or where Atlantis has already been discovered.
These are just some ideas that I've thrown out there. There are plenty of other things that I'd love to see. I enjoy both first times, and long-term committed relationships. I'm happy with friendship, pre-slash or slash, as long as the warmth and respect that they have for each other comes through. A little angst makes the happy ending worth it, and yes, please, I definitely want a happy ending. I'd also like to see Ronon and Teyla involved in whatever you choose to do, though not as matchmakers.
Some random things that I like: Rodney missing his cat, maybe getting a cat sent to Atlantis? I can't get enough of Rodney and pets. Holding hands, exploring Pegasus cultures, exploring Atlantis, John and Rodney taking care of each other - h/c, puddlejumpers, John loving to fly, Rodney being enthusiastic about a science discovery, Radek and Rodney snark...
If none of this appeals to you, then a fluffy, domestic John/Rodney fic would be very cool!
Things I wouldn't like: No character bashing of any kind. No BDSM or D/s. No watersports, scat or vore. No extreme, gory violence. No rape or noncon. No permanent injury, particularly brain damage. No pranks or purposeful humiliation. No permanent death of a major character, particularly John, Rodney, Ronon or Teyla - temporarily dead for the sake of the plot is fine.
(For Jennifer, I would prefer that her relationship with Rodney either be long over, but still friends, or never happened at all. I do not want her turned into a villain or in any other way bashed. I'm fine with both Jennifer and/or Carson in their role as doctors.)
What I can do: I can do John/Rodney or gen team fic with Ronon and Teyla. I can also do team with John/Rodney romance. I can do plot. I can do romance. I can do humor, though some people might not like what I find funny. I can do angst before a happy ending. I can do werewolves, vampires and other supernatural creatures. I can do Pegasus cultures.
What I can't do: As much as I love Radek, I just can't write him. I can't write Elizabeth, Jennifer, Carson or any of the SG1 characters as the main focus. I can't write heavy kink, sorry. I haven't been able to write kink for a while, though I can do vanilla sex. I can't do rape or graphic violence. I don't know about crossovers, except with The Sentinel or Oz the HBO series. Anyone wants a prison fic, I'm your gal!
Pinch hitter?: Sorry, no.