Pinch Hitter Appreciation Post

Dec 24, 2012 14:30

Pinch hitter 1: Likes McKay/Sheppard, AUs of all sorts, especially What If AUs. AUs that have them with an age disparity. Rodney as a teen meeting an adult John is a particular weakness. Alternate versions of John and/or Rodney having sex with canon John/Rodney. Main squicks are: noncon, 'gay for you' stuff, sex without affection.

Pinch hitter 2: Mitchell/Sheppard or Carter/Sheppard for preference but also Chuck/Woolsey, McKay/Sheppard, , Beckett/McKay and many other secondary pairings it's okay to include. SG-1 crossovers welcome. Likes ship fic. No femslash pairings as the main pairing, but secondary pairings fine.

Pinch hitter 3 (wrote three pinch hits): McKay/Sheppard, loves team fics and Teyla and Ronon being present and being awesome. Stargate AUs and transformation fics especially welcome.

Pinch hitter 4: Sheppard-centric fic. Sheppard/various pairings (Sheppard/Vala, Sheppard/Dex/Emmagan in particular) or gen. No Beckett, McKay or Weir as main characters.

Pinch hitter 5: Lorne/Parrish or Lorne-centric gen. Loves minor character fic.

Pinch hitter 6: McKay/Sheppard, Keller/McKay/Sheppard, Emmagan/Weir (it seems that this pairing is one of those 'always asks, never gets' ones :D), Lorne/Zelenka, Dex/Zelenka, Cadman/anyone but Sheppard or McKay, Chuck/anyone. Main do not want is McKay or Sheppard paired with anyone else.

Trying to keep them anonymous as far as possible, so I've paraphrased where I can. And our final pinch hitter didn't sign up but is quite happy not to submit prompts, so a round of applause for them instead is in order, I think :D

Okay, now I really can collapse in a heap, or at least take my son out for a walk before he forgets what fresh air tastes like. I'm planning to take tomorrow off from modly duties, so please don't panic if you don't get a reply within 24 hours to any submissions for Madness as we usually do :)

Have a lovely Christmas, everyone, and Happy Holidays!

admin: pinch hitter appreciation

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