Santa Madness Now Open!

Dec 23, 2012 11:06

The last story for the fest is now safely coded and ready to post! The final seven stories will be posted today.

So I'm officially declaring Santa Madness open. Pinch Hitter appreciation post (brief anonymised summary of their requests) will go up when Claire has a chance in case anyone wants to write a treat for them. (It's not obligatory ::g:: but it would be welcome.)

Treats don't have to hit the 1,000 word minimum and you can send them to us if you want them posted anonymously as part if the overall fest or you can post direct to the comm if not. You can write them for anyone who took part (not just your assigned recipient) and the more the merrier! You can find people's requests in the memories, and most people also remembered to tag their requests with genres/pairings as well, so if you have a hankering to write something in particular you should be able to find someone who'd appreciate it :)

If you're an author who had to default or finished your story but failed to submit on time, you're more than welcome (and actively encouraged) to send it to us now :)

Santa Madness will close Midnight on the 31st.


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