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Oct 07, 2012 02:10

Livejournal padfootthegrim

email: underhersilvermoon at gmail dot com

Things I'd like: This year the thing I'd LOVE most of all the things ever is kinda strange lol. The characters as anthropomorphized animals. Yes. Like, you know, kinda like Furries, only... more like all those fantasy books where there are no humans. Or like Furries, let's face it I love furries. AU or on Atlantis, whichever.

McShep, McBeck, Beckett/Zelenka, Lorne/Zelenka, Lorne/Parrish, Sheppard/McKay/Beckett, take your pick, use them all, whatevs I'm easy :D

Slash only, please, no Keller, and Ronon being Ronon makes me happy.

If my number one thing I want isn't working for you, I'd really like maybe an LGBT story? FtM characters are a big big love of mine, as are coming out of the closet (adult or late high school/college), DADT repeal, broken gaydar, and awkward fumblings lol.

I'm good with lots of other stuff too- AUs, lycanthropy, vampirism (NOT sparkly vampires thanks lol), steampunk, PWP, romance, crack, time travel, body switching (no genderswap though), angst, pining/oblivious, kinky sex...

NC-17 please :) Feel free to mix and match any of this stuff too.

Things I wouldn't like: Het, gen, femslash, Keller, noncon, death, male characters lactating (...idk why this would come up, but, better safe), men acting like 14 year old girls (except in the case of crack because that's hysterical)

What I can do: Slash only, any combination of Sheppard, McKay, Beckett, Zelenka, Lorne, and Parrish. G-NC17. AUs, canon, some crack (I wrote about beets once, okay? Man, IDEK), first times, PWP, kink (most of them lol), preternatural characters...

What I can't do: gen (it always ends up slashy), het (it always ends up slashy), femslash (it always ends up unfinished), I have no Keller voice, I can't write missions.

Pinch hitter?: Possibly.

need some tags: David Parrish, Parrish/Lorne, maybe a LGBT tag would be kinda cool?

requests: p: lorne/sheppard, requests: c: evan lorne, requests: cat: slash, requests: p: mckay/sheppard, requests: p: ot3, requests: cat: au, requests: c: ronon dex, requests: c: rodney mckay, requests: p: beckett/mckay, requests: p: lorne/zelenka, requests: p: beckett/zelenka, requests: c: radek zelenka, requests: need new tag, requests: c: carson beckett, requests: c: john sheppard

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