Sep 21, 2012 13:12
LiveJournal: clwilson2006
E-mail: clwilson2006 at yahoo dot co uk
Things I'd like: Lorne/Parrish, or if you can't do that Lorne Gen. did I mention Lorne in my stocking? I have a secret yearning for wing!fic. Minor Character are WIN, particularly Parrish, Zelenka, Miko, Cadman, Mehra, Teldy, Porter, Markham, Stackhouse etc. for Lorne/Parrish I really like to see a competant!Parrish, even one that goes all out to get his major, I would really love a His Dark Materials fusion (where they all have Deamons) or a Sentinel fusion (Sentinel/Guide Pairings) featuring minor characters - these fusions have been done to death with the main team. of course my prefered sentinel pairing is Lorne/Parrish. Generally domestic fic or angsty h/c ae my favourite tropes.
Things I wouldn't like: MCShep, Non-Con, apocolypse fic, MPreg or baby!fic. extreme kinks - skat, watersports, medical kink and bloodplay are all no-no's
What I can do: I prefer to write minor characters and Lorne/anyone NOT KAVANAUGH
What I can't do: MCShep, badguys (canon or a regular turned evil) non-con, apocolypse fic, baby!Fic, AU's
Pinch hitter?: No, sorry
can we get a lorne/parrish request tag, or is he still "other"
requests: c: evan lorne,
requests: cat: slash,
requests: p: lorne/other,
requests: cat: gen,
requests: need new tag