(no subject)

Oct 07, 2011 11:41

LiveJournal: pipisafoat
E-mail: pipisafoat @ gmail . com

Things I'd like: I want a somewhat plotty fic that also has McShep. And Lorne and/or Zelenka (paired with each other or other people or nobody) being awesome. Or Chuck. Or, really, people being awesome. Or, y'know, whatever. I'm easy. If you're stuck, you can write me a cracky McShep in which they are marshmallows. (seriously, if it doesn't exist yet, it's exactly the kind of fluff that needs to exist.)
Or if you don't like any of those ideas, I like nonbinary characters, I like sexual-minorities, I like Rodney saving the day in unexpected ways and/or accidentally, and I love sub!John like there is no tomorrow. (Especially when combined with any or all of the other things in this list. I think really I just like everything. You'll be fine.)

Things I wouldn't like: There is nothing I won't read. And there's also nothing I can't be sold on. If you write it well enough, I'll believe it could happen, even if before I was like "psh, no way."
That said, I don't love character-bashing. I don't like Kavanaugh, but he's not evil incarnate. (Unless you make him be that. But you have to make someone clearly evil in the story before you can just treat them like they're evil.)

What I can do: In theory, I can do anything! I have before. But If you're looking for gender variance, I'm your pip. If you're looking for odd kinks, I'm your pip. If you're just looking for someone to throw words at a page and hope for the best, I'm definitely your pip.

What I can't do: Femslash is difficult for me to write, even when not terribly explicit. (Okay, any female-centric piece is hard.) I can do a good background female character, but they fall apart under close scrutiny. Most of the time. Sometimes I get lucky!

Pinch hitter?: Probably!

requests: c: evan lorne, requests: c: radek zelenka, requests: cat: slash, requests: p: mckay/sheppard, requests: c: rodney mckay, requests: p: lorne/zelenka, requests: c: john sheppard

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