Recycling isn't cheating right?

Oct 03, 2011 11:53

LiveJournal: skitz_phenom

Things I'd like: McKay/Sheppard tops the list! Above all else, that's what I'd genuinely adore. Beyond that, I’m a total sucker for first time fic. It’s not necessary by any means though, as I do enjoy pretty much any an all John/Rodney interaction (including AUs). Besides that, I enjoy either or both of the guys being Pining/Oblivious, and I adore it when everyone else has a clue long before they do and scheme to get them together. I love stories that include Jeannie (would get a kick out of seeing her on Atlantis again) & also love to have the team involved, and I’m fond of pretty much most other characters (Teyla, Ronon, Lorne, Carson & Zelenka in particular).

I’m also totally fine with most other secondary pairings (Lorne/Zelenka has recently piqued my interest). I wouldn’t object to team OT4 as long as John & Rodney are most focused on each other. I’m okay with mentions of McKay/Keller, so long as it’s in a past tense (or ends up being past tense). Feel free to rough them up, and toss in angst, but please make sure everyone is happy & healthy at the end. Fluff, hurt/comfort, action/adventure, romance, it's all good. Post Season 5 - w/ Atlantis back in Pegasus would be welcome (but again, not necessary). Any rating will be fine, but I would definitely not complain about hot sex! (Particular kink for either of the boys pushing the other face first against the wall, down on a bed, etc... w/dirty talk, touching, sexing, from behind).

Things I wouldn't like: Please no character bashing, deathfic, partner betrayal, noncon, permanent injury, hardcore BDSM, extreme kink, humiliation or permanent genderswap. Prefer no Mpreg (although kidfic via wacky ancient device type of scenario would be okay) apocafic, vampire AU, everyone’s gay scenarios, slavefic or wing!fic.

What I can do: Most comfortable with John/Rodney (and pretty much anything in my ‘Things I’d Like’ list), but I’d be okay with plotty team fic - OT4 or gen - canon relationships (except involving McKay or Sheppard), Lorne/Zelenka, or possibly Lorne/Teyla. Note that even if I were writing a different pairing - I'm still likely to include background McShep references. I like plotty, action stories, but I’m also okay with porn.

What I can't do: John or Rodney with anyone but each other. Most of the stuff on my ‘Things I wouldn’t like’ list. Really dark fic. Really explicit bdsm or heavy kink. Crossovers are probably iffy and would depend heavily on the other fandom, unless I know the other source fairly well.

Pinch hitter?: It’d depend on the request, but I’d love to be able to try.

requests: c: evan lorne, requests: c: teyla emmagan, requests: c: radek zelenka, requests: p: mckay/sheppard, requests: c: ronon dex, requests: c: rodney mckay, requests: c: john sheppard

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