Title: Earthside
gaffsiePairing: John/Ronon (with hints at John/Ronon/Teyla)
Rating: PG
Word count: ~4800
Disclaimer: Not mine; don't sue.
Summary: In which John and Ronon are temporarily assigned to the SGC, and experiment with life on a weird planet.
Earthside )
Comments 16
Hee! Imagine!
Love the stranger in a strange land bits, and the easy comfort of their relationship.
I loved Ronon's reaction to living on Earth. He has every right to be completely fucked up, but he's a lot more well adjusted then Sheppard. It's a total d*** move that the SGC still doesn't trust the 'aliens' to live outside the mountain, when they expect them to risk their lives for Earth (I know they tried to set up Teal'c that one time, but come on). It gave the boys the opportunity to bunk together though and that was lovely!
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