Title: The Way We've Met, and Everything That's Happened
fai_dustPairing: Teyla Emmagan/Kate Heightmeyer with a side-dish of presumably one-sided McShep
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine unfortunately.
Word count: ~8700
skaredykatAuthor's Notes: Sincerest thanks to my beta for putting up with me and for all of the very helpful suggestions
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Comments 10
The epilogue was very sweet, and made me very sad that Teyla was going to lose her love. I hope your version of this universe includes her surviving.
I was aiming to make Kate quite nasty in the beginning, yes. A typical overconfident psychologist who thinks (s)he knows you inside out (modelled from a couple dozens people I know :) ), but, well, Atlantis either makes you grow or die :)
Oh, I think Ronon's question made Teyla and Ronon himself think... Now I can't chase away a humor/crack plotbunny of a Matchmaker Team from Hell including Ronon, Teyla and Kate (who attempts to do damage control).
Whatever the reader wants to think :) How I see it, Teyla's loss of Kate might be just the push she needed to go to Kanaan after years of doing nothing. And a push hard enough to make her careless, which might explain Torren.
I also loved the little glimpses of other characters - Miko, Kavanaugh, and the others.
Nicely done, all of it! I, too, hope that Kate lives on in your universe so that she and Teyla can have a happy-ever-after.
Now that I'm thinking, Kate couldn't not know about Laura 'hijacking' Rodney's body. Although I'm not sure if she knew the details -- Rodney was probably too embarrassed to tell her, especially with Laura still in his body, listening in (and he does have some things to hide from her). As for Kate's feelings... she doesn't seem the type to take responsibility for other people's actions, but she can't be happy with Laura. I'll have to think about it.
You've given Kate a lot more depth then the show ever did!
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