Title: Twelve Steps to Bodice Ripping
fawkesielady_edRating: NC-17
Disclaimer: If I owned Stargate, they wouldn’t be suitable for general consumption.
Pairings: McKay/Sheppard, Markham/Stackhouse
Genres: Humour, romance, semi-crack (because, really, what fic with Markham and Stackhouse couldn’t be?), semi-AU verse. Because how dare they kill Markham in season one?!
Summary: “Leeeemoooons!” Rodney howled, unsure if he was laughing or having a panic attack.
Word Count: 3,721
Author’s Note: This crazy thing is full of inside jokes for
fawkesielady_ed, who loves pining! Fics, first times, and Markham/Stackhouse. It’s hopefully just as enjoyable for others, too. HUGE thanks to Anais for writing Dr. Jackson’s Diary, because really, without that, this would not have ever come about in this form.
Pressed for time, so this hasn’t been to a beta yet, but I wanted to get it out in time for
sga_santa!madness! So here it is, Amanda, with much love and smooshes!
Fic: Twelve Steps to Bodice Ripping