Pinch hitter potential inspiration post...

Dec 27, 2009 17:51

As Claire has already mentioned, we came very close to hitting 1,000,000 words this fest, so we've thrown the challenge open to anyone who wants to write something else and see if we can't make it to that many words before 1 January. And as I mentioned previously, we owe a great deal to our pinch hitters for making sure everyone got at least one story by Christmas Day, some of whom didn't sign up originally and therefore have no story and all of who are awesome and deserve some love.

So if you're considering the former challenge and are wondering what to write, I am gathering our pinch hitters' requests together in this post in the hopes that it will serve as some inspiration. However, if not, don't forget that everyone who signed up has their original requests in the memories of the comm here so you can go poking around for a prompt/request that does inspire you :)

I'll add any new requests that come through, so check back to this post, and if you're someone who pinch hit and hasn't had a chance to flag up your original request or make a new one, I'm still collecting prompts on this post here (comments are screened on that post but not on this one).

And, without further ado, onto the prompts:

Pinch hitters not part of the original fest

i.e. these people didn't sign up originally but stepped in at the last moment, and therefore don't have any stories

Pinch Hitter 1

Things I adore: Anything from crack to darkfic (not dark in the sense of only unrelenting torture; shuddery psychological dark floats my boat, and if you can pull that off in a drabble, you win at life!) to deathfic. Kidfic is fun, as is lazy early-morning porn.... I like my characters smart and snarky *g*

Things I don't want: woobies, cutsie nicknames

Pairings I like: Sheppard/Woolsey, kickass!Keller/McKay, gen Jeannie Miller, gen Teyla or Larrin re "women in Pegasus" (I'd love Larrin not being shown as John's Bond girl, but as a leader of her people), gen Todd on Wraith culture or gen Michael on being an outsider in Wraith culture, Teyla/Kanaan, McShep

Prompts: "you can't just spring that on me!", "cultural differences", or any post-season 5.

Pinch hitter 2

I seem to be on a alternate universe kick right now, and on a dark! kick too. If I were to get a story, I would love it to be a Dark!John or Dark!Lorne where they're not the nice guy they usually seem to be. Bonus points if it isn't through possession or crazy Ancient tech (though that is ok too).

Pinch hitter 3

This is a holding place for them :)

Pinch hitters who took part in the fest

Pinch hitter 4

Things I'd like: My OTP is McShep, but I'll cheerfully take Sheppard/Atlantis, McKay/Atlantis, or Sheppard/McKay/Atlantis, if you want to write that sort of story. I love first times, but I also love reading about the minutiae of everyday life on Atlantis. I'd love to see McKay in his element as the head of science, interacting with all of his people, including the ones he thinks are a waste of space. If you want to go to an AU space, that's cool too, but I think an AU set in Pegasus would be awesome. For instance, instead of being a runner, Ronon becomes an itinerant preacher, making his way through the rings to preach the word of the Ancestors, and when the SGC sets up shop on Atlantis, Ronon starts a religious war to get rid of them. Or something, you know, whatever. I'm easy.

Things I wouldn't like: Schmoop, het, anything involving romantic declarations of love, torture, partner betrayal. Also, I prefer not to receive deathfic or fic that's angst-driven (a little goes a long way). Character-bashing is also off the books.

Pinch hitter 5

Team - particularly Teyla and Rodney - something about music; Teyla's singing, Rodney's musicianship. Failing that, something with a Teyla-centric and/or John&Teyla and/or John/Teyla angle would be fantastic. Fluid friendship or good-natured relationship/romance?

Pinch hitter 6

Things I'd like: Serious/angsty Rodney McKay h/c (physical), the higher the rating, the better. Preferably torture, but if that's too much then hows about Sheppard doing something that physically hurts Rodney (or making a decision that ends up hurting him) Sharp things, blood and broken bones are good. Sheppard/McKay friendship, Keller and McKay/Keller (inc romance) are fine (but not compulsory). Rodney must be fixed at the end (or implied that he will recover) so that it could slot into canon.

Things I wouldn't like: Slash, MPreg, anything from SG-1, character death, hard-labour, main characters being turned into children, fluff, AU, mary sues, anything to do with eyes/teeth, Genii, character bashing, everyone laughing at/not caring about Rodney, non-canon pairings, crack, puddle jumpers, episode tags or missing scenes, anyone other than Rodney being hurt, long scenes without Rodney in them (a few paragraphs is okay, but no more)

Pinch hitter 7

I would love fond, silly, affectionate, playful John/Rodney and team!

Things I'd like: John/Rodney, happy ending, wonderful teaminess. Moments of great joy, especially for Ronon and Teyla, since we saw so few of those on the show. A Pegasus that is not wholly medieval, or in need of saving, and that has things to teach the expedition. A universe in which women and non-white characters are not sidelined. Sex that is fond and happens within a plot.

Things I wouldn't like: Any mention of dubious or non-consensual sex, even as a background detail; deathfic; darkfic; any team member turning evil; Keller-bashing (or any character bashing, to be honest); Carson as a major character; OT4; BDSM; major kinks (bloodplay, breathplay, watersports etc); anyone forced to stay earthside after Season Five; Atlantis remaining in the Milky Way.

Pinch hitter 8

I would like McKay/Sheppard with Rodney meeting John's brother and assorted family. Or some plain old h/c, with lots of c. Or a combination of both.

Pinch hitter 9

What I would like: John/Cam, with maybe past John/Rodney, where one ends up being transferred to where the other one is (i.e. John gets moved to the SGC for some reason, or Cameron is transferred to Atlntis). That's pretty much all I require, just having John and Cam in a relationship in some way. Maybe some sex, but not required. I'd love one of them to be sneaky-cuddlers.

What I would not like: het, angst without a happy ending, John as an "awakened to his new sexuality" type, or mean Rodney. I just think Rodney might have been confused, or uncertain, and would probably regret losing Sheppard.

Pinch hitter 10

John/Rodney, happy ending please.

Pinch hitter 11

Things I'd like: I love humor, I love snarky banter, John and Rodney acting like they're 12 over a new toy, Ancient technology (speaking of toys), discovering new things Atlantis can do, ethical conundrums in the Pegasus galaxy, action/adventure/excitement, why have so few people written X-302 dog fights?, plot-plot-plot, John indulging his love of flight, Rodney's glee over scientific discoveries. I also love genderswap, John in a dress (genderswapped or not), and Pegasus galaxy civilizations that manage to outwit the Wraith. I enjoy SG-1/SGA crossovers. And if you try to fit all of this into one story you may go mad.

Things I wouldn't like: Character death. I can go for a bittersweet ending, but sad endings, no. Multiple pairings or OT3/OT4. Hurt/comfort. I'm AU'd out for the time being. Not in the mood for PWPs of late.


When you either post your story or submit your story to us to post anon before the reveal (which happens on the 1st), please put 'pinch hitter #' in the recipient line and we'll let the pinch hitters know which number has been allocated to them, so that they know if they got an extra story (or story at all! ::g::).

Please remember that sga_santa!madness ends at the point of reveal on 1 January 2010, and stories posted after that won't count towards the 1,000,000 word goal count. They'll still count as an extra story for a lucky person, though :)

admin: pinch hitter appreciation

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