Title: The Once and Future Kingdoms
aesc Genre: Crossover, Drama
Pairing: post-McKay/Keller, McShep, Arthur/Merlin UST, pre-Arthur/Gwen
Rating: PG-13
Words: ~40 000
Disclaimer: Standard Disclaimers apply; this is a work of fiction for fun, and not profit or intent of profit is being derived. All recognizable characters and settings are the property of MGM and the BBC.
Author's Notes: I did a lot of peeking about my recipient's journal to get an idea of her preferences, so I hope this hits all your buttons, darling! Set post season 5 for SGA and up to episode 10 of season 2 for
"Merlin", a retelling of Arthurian Legend centered on a young Merlin, reluctant manservant to the prattish Prince Arthur, and maturing sorcerer in a kingdom where magic is outlawed and difference scorned.
Summary: "I am Prince Arthur of Camelot!" the boy in the chainmail said. For a small, infinitesimal moment, Rodney considered losing it.
"Right, Prince Arthur, the Prince Arthur," Rodney scoffed instead. "And I'm Merlin."
The dark haired boy that stood a few paces behind his golden Prince cleared his throat. "Uh, no," he said, shifting uneasily from foot to foot, "Actually, I am."
Right, of course. Because this totally was Rodney's life.
The Once and Future Kingdoms )