Title: Batteries Not Included
calcitrixRating: PG
Genre: Gen, humour, adventure
Pairings: None! Teamy goodness
Spoilers: General for season 5
Summary: Trapped on another planet after activating some Ancient technology,Sheppard’s team have to think beyond guns and science in order to escape.
Notes: 6000 words. Huge thanks to my
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Comments 15
“I believe Ronon is referring to the ones we encountered,” Teyla explained...
Ronon shrugged. “If you say so.”
Hahahaha...I love that their first thought is to give a robo-dog to Ronon.
Finally...yay for having Carson in the story, too!
Thanks, secret santa! <3
I meant to mention that the puppies come straight from your request. Now you're wondering how that can be, most likely.... Well you did say you liked it when they came across some stray Ancient technology!
I chose that literal reading of your request as my starting point.
Ronon does not like those things. I imagine him doing his "Death-to-all-Wraith" glare that he does when he opens the box.
I hoped to have more Lorne too, but in the end Carson decided to make himself visible.
Well I do hope it was somehow enjoyable - it's been one of my more enjoyable writing experiences.
*Icon love - poor Simon*
Good thing Sheppard ordered nobody else to come after them, or Woolsey might've tried to reason with the robo-pups, since he had a Yorkie & all. :P
See now you're coming up with ideas I wish I managed to get in the story!
Great team fic. I really like the dynamics between them all.
Crack! Yay! T'was meant to be silly.
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