Rewatch schedule and tools: A plan?

Jan 08, 2010 13:07

Okay, the planning poll I posted hasn't gotten a whole lot of feedback, but of those who expressed an opinion as to schedule, more preferred weekly to biweekly. (I didn't vote but would prefer weekly myself, at this point; I know we've been recovering ground, but I don't get the impression the longer windows have really been taken advantage of, and the difference is two years versus four to get through the series if we take minimal weeks off.) Given that, I am thinking to post the re-rewatch of 1x07 Poisoning the Well tomorrow, 9 January ... and then post 1x08 Underground on 16 January, 1x09 Home on 23 January, and so on. If you like this plan, or if you actively dislike this plan, please let me know now.

There was interest in more tools to spark discussion, but the problem with that is that I'm not sure we have anyone prepared to lead any of those tools. In order to try to get this started, then, I'm thinking to try this: On Wednesday evenings (US EST), I will post a notification of the next episode to be reviewed. That post will be a call for questions to be used as prompts for the Saturday discussion openings, as well as a call for someone to volunteer to post a recap. The recaps could be posted on Saturday or Sunday, I think. If no recap volunteer has been found by the opening of the discussion, I will then come up with something to serve as one ... but I've never even read an SG episode recap, much less written one, so I would make no promises as to quality or lack-of-snark. We would have to develop recap guidelines as we go unless someone wants to volunteer to coordinate them and set standards.

Anyone who wants to volunteer to recap a future episode can do so at any time.

Will this work? Anyone? Please let me know how you feel about this plan, even if you normally just lurk. I know I've personally been dropping the ball about participating in the discussions, which hardly sets a good example, but I don't want this rewatch to fall apart. We need feedback and participation in order to make this work. To that end, I really want to thank those of you who have been volunteering, coordinating, and participating; let's keep up the good work!


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