Fanworks - New FAQs and links to Rising Fanwork Posts

Oct 17, 2009 11:00

I am a bad mod! I meant to post this last weekend and didn't get to it. But here I am, better late than never.


After thinking about the comments on the restrictions of when to post, etc. I have decided to change some rules around.

Posting Fanworks
Any fanworks for season 1 can be posted at any time. This means any fanworks that are inspired or take place in season 1. That means that a vid that has scenes from season 1 and 2 is acceptable, but must be warned for, etc. Please put spoiler warnings for the last episode the fanwork references. For example, if it is a fic that starts in the S1 Rising and ends with S5 Broken Ties - please put spoilers: thru S5 - Broken Ties.

Posting Prompts
I will still be posting a prompt post every 2 weeks (to go with the new 2 week discussion schedule). Please post any prompts you are interested in seeing yourself in the comments of my post. For these first few weeks, I will be referring back to past posts made, since we are re-reviewing episodes. Then anyone who sees a prompt that sparks a fanwork, go to town!

Link to Prompts for Rising

Posting Recs
Posting for recs will remain the same. Please post recs for any type of fanwork that is relevant to the current episode under discussion. I still think having people post recs separately (rather than in one big rec post) makes things easier. If anyone has other opinions on that, please feel free to comment below.

Drabble Trees
I will continue with drabble trees. As with the prompt posts, I will be referring back to the previous drabble trees for the episodes we are re-reviewing. Each drabble tree will be for a specific episode, so all drabbles within that tree should be relevant to that episode. But the drabble trees will never close, so anyone can participate and add to any tree at any time.

If you do not know what a drabble tree is:

I will post a drabble. Anyone can then post a comment taking a sentence (or at least a 5 word phrase) from my drabble and writing a new one. Then anyone can comment on either my original drabble or any drabbles that anyone else has posted in the comments. And so on and so forth, until there are many branches of many drabbles all over the comments :)

Link to Drabble Tree for Rising


I think that covers everything. Any questions, comments, suggestions? Some people also suggested that more "challenges" are set up for fanworks. I would love any suggestions on these. These, too, would be open-ended, so that there wouldn't be any restrictions on how long you have to write your fics, create your vids, artwork, etc.

ep: 1x02 rising p2, !admin fanworks, !admin, ep: 1x01 rising p1

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