Fanart: Painted (SGA, John/Rodney, G)

Mar 05, 2018 14:23

Artist: selenic76
Title: Painted
Pairing: John/Rodney (though only John is in the picture)
Rating: G
Warnings/tags: none of the usual / lipstick (but not exactly)
Disclaimer: Don't own or profit from them

Summary: Even in the dim light John knew the vibrant red would shine, painting the shape and curve of his mouth for Rodney to see.

Artist's notes: This is art for a story I'm working on, and older idea that once sprung up from a conversation about men wearing makeup. Why my muses wanted to see John with painted lips (the story will tell more, but it's not exactly lipstick, and it's not about any kink) I have no idea, but I took the idea and ran with it :)

Posting this for the story_works flash challenge 'Surprise', as it was a surprise for me that it happened, and certainly a surprise for both John and Rodney too :D


The rest of the art can be found on AO3

mckay/sheppard, fanart

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