Pairing: John/Rodney (with a side serving of Ronon/John and implied Ronon/Rodney)
Rating: NC-17
Length: 14 716 words
Warnings: Very very very light BDSM at one point.
Summary: (highlight to read) Five (stand-alone) ways that Rodney and John fucked, or could have fucked, or may someday fuck.
A/N: This is based on the Canflick, Young People F***ing (yes, actual title) which is basically 5 intertwined stories of 5 couples having sex. The movie, while cute, is quite heteronormative and so I thought it would be good to gay it up, and what better way than with five iterations of McShep?
Big thanks to
sparktastic for audiencing/cheerleading, and to
kho for doing a marathon run of beta duty.
John and Rodney F***ing (on my fic site) John and Rodney F***ing (on AO3) (Pardon all the text-bleeping but I didn't want to drop too many f-bombs on a public noticeboard.)