Title: Syringe
Author: To be revealed
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None
Genre(s): H/C
Character(s): Carson Beckett, John Sheppard
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Prompt for the Round: Write a fic in first person using an inanimate object as POV. Must feature at least one member from the team but it can also have anyone else. The fic must start with "I am".
I am Dr. Beckett’s syringe. I usually have a very busy day with him. I give shots to different people with the needle in my behind.
Usually at night Beckett puts me in a nice cozy drawer until the next morning when he starts the shots again. But tonight I was having a nice dream and Dr. Beckett comes in and wakes me up. I have to help put Sheppard asleep because he was shot by one of the new recruits in the lesson of how to shoot the wraith weapons. But apparently someone saw the weapon discharge and saw the wraith gun, which was currently in Sheppard’s hand, and fired his P-90.
It took a really long time for Beckett to finish sewing Sheppard up. When he was done, finally, he put me back in my bed. Thankfully there were no more interruptions and I had a full night’s sleep. I am now ready to do give more shots.