Title: Welcome to Fill-in-the-Blank
ga_unicornRating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: Write a fic in which only the team appears and using at least one of the five senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste) as a theme present in the H/C.
ga_unicorn The gongs sounded. Again. McKay really wished they’d hurry up and finish.
The two attendants helped Sheppard to his feet again before leading him in a slow promenade around the altar. The locals waved incense sensors at his head while the shaman continued chanting in a high, nasal tone.
McKay felt his sinuses clogging up in sympathy and took a big sniff to try to clear them. Teyla turned slightly to give him The Eye.
They’d visited hundreds of worlds in the last four years, each with their own welcoming ceremony, some longer than others. Some much longer. The longer ones where only one team member participated (like this one) and dragged on and on (like this one) made him act worse than an bored two year old in church. At least that was how Carson described it. He rather thought he acted very politely, all things considered.
Sheppard was led into the small gazebo where the shaman waited, the chanting increasing in volume and speed.
McKay squirmed on the bench, dipping his hands into his pockets and flapping his arms. His foot had just started tapping when Ronon grabbed the back of his neck, almost - but not quite - painful. He winced when Ronon’s voice hissed directly into his ear.
“If we have to sit through this thing again - if Sheppard has to do that stupid dance again - because you can’t sit still for a couple hours, I’m gonna make you really uncomfortable. And I don’t think Sheppard or Teyla will stop me.”
Indeed, The Eye was once again glaring in his direction. Gulping, he nodded and yanked his hands out of his pockets, gripping them tightly in his lap.
Some kind of pink goo was brushed across Sheppard’s closed eyelids, then down his nose and across his upper lip. From the way his nose wrinkled it wasn’t one of the better smelling goos they’d encountered over the years. A shift in the wind brought a pungent aroma wafting in the team’s direction.
McKay’s eyes watered and the dam in his stuffed sinuses opened and released the flood waters. He fumbled for the bandana Sheppard insisted he carry, not wanting to incur the wrath of The Eye again by sniffling.
When he lowered the bandana Sheppard was sporting a crown of flowers and ferns, gaily colored ribbons streaming down his back. He was staring at his team, and it took little intelligence to realize that this was to appear in no ones mission report or be discussed. Ever.
Biting his lip to keep from smiling, McKay focused on his hands. He practiced tying granny knots with the bandana until he was sure he had his expression under control again.
The chanting was reaching a loud crescendo when he looked back up. The scrawny shaman’s shrieks could barely be heard above the continually crashing gongs. McKay watched in helpless fascination as the little man capered around the gazebo, jabbing the pointy end of his tasseled staff toward Sheppard (Ronon made low growling sounds each time the stick lashed out, but no contact was made so he kept his seat) and a large domed object was lowered from the ceiling. It sounded like the ceremony was finally wrapping up.
McKay’d finally recognized that the dome was actually a bell when it came to a stop, obscuring Sheppard’s head and shoulders. A prickle of uneasiness skittered up his spine and he reached for Teyla.
The gongs fell silent.
The shaman let out one last, braying pronouncement and slammed the knobby end of his staff onto the bell again. And then again.
Even twenty feet away it was loud enough to have McKay and the rest of the team leaning from the reverberations. Between all the ceremonial attendants encircling the gazebo McKay could see Sheppard staggering under the bell.
Once. Twice. After the sixth strike the shaman held the staff above his head and shouted “Welcome!”
McKay rolled his eyes. “And except that you can’t hear anything . “
“Or walk in a straight line,” Ronon added, using his grip on the back of Sheppard’s vest to pull him upright again.
McKay finished dialing Atlantis, entering his IDC as soon as the wormhole appeared. Everyone was tired of the shouting Sheppard and they were eager to get him home and into Keller’s care.
Vertigo, bleeding ears and deafness. And apparently that pink goo didn’t wash off.
Ronon and Teyla helped Sheppard into the wormhole, McKay close on their heels.
There was the usual Marine guards to greet them. Sheppard grinned and bellowed “HEY! YOU MISSED A GREAT PARTY.”
McKay stayed back as Teyla and Ronon herded Sheppard toward the infirmary, enjoying the reaction at the trio’s loud progress. It was watched by everyone in the ‘gate room, especially the grinning Marines. Some of the scientists up in Control even leaned over the railing to watch as the group disappeared into the corridor.
They probably should have reminded Sheppard about the flowers in his hair.
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