Sep 25, 2009 13:15

Title: Any Afternoon
Author: ga_unicorn
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: Write a fic in which science is the cause of whump. H/C obligatory.

ANY AFTERNOON by ga_unicorn

Sheppard fought the tide of people flowing away from the devastation. Most wore science colors, panicked or dazed and being helped along by those not so effected. He'd already passed several stretchers being carried by Marines and accompanied by medical personnel. So far none, conscious or not, had been McKay.

He'd been outside, on the southwest pier, participating in the reenlistment ceremonies for eleven of his Marines. The swearing-in had just concluded when the explosion ripped apart the afternoon calm; the sight of glass and flames erupting from the main tower brought everyone to their feet. Sheppard was up and racing toward the nearest transporter, barking orders into his radio, before it registered that the explosion had occurred in the Engineering labs. Fear struck hard, but he forced himself to concentrate on the now.

A pile of debris partially blocked the doors to the lab and Sheppard had to wait for another stretcher to clear it before going in. He was trying to make out who was being carried away - the face too covered in soot, blood and bandages making it impossible - when he heard the familiar snappish tones. Relief flooded through him, causing him to stagger, as he rounded the corner.

McKay didn't look much better than the person on the stretcher: soot smears, scorched clothing, blood staining the hand pressed to his head. His free hand fended off the attempts of a corpsman to check his injury.

"Out of my way. I have to... Aydin, you idiot, why'd..." McKay made an attempt to stagger past the corpsman, but tripped over the remains of a workbench.

Sheppard managed to catch him before he hit the floor and held out a hand for the dressing the corpsman had been trying to apply. "Thanks, Horner, I'll get this on him. If you'd get his transportation ready?"

He finished lowering McKay to the floor, out of the way of the rescue workers, and pried the man's hand away from the deep gash near the receding hairline.

"There you go; all set," Sheppard muttered quietly as he wrapped the bandage around McKay's head. "Let's get you to the infirmary so Carson can check you out, okay?"

McKay nodded vaguely, then shook his head. "No, no, I have to... I said turn it up point two five, not... what did you do, Aydin?"

He made an uncoordinated effort to stand back up which Sheppard easily thwarted, one hand holding him in place while the other waved the stretcher over.

"Don't worry about it now, Rodney. Here's Zelenka; he'll make sure everything's turned off and covered up."

Sheppard kept speaking, quietly distracting McKay as he was moved to the stretcher and an IV started. The Marines were almost to the doorway with their burden when McKay suddenly thrust out a hand.

"Wait, wait. I need to... "

Sheppard grabbed the hand and folded it back over McKay's chest.

"Don't worry, Rodney. I'll take care of everything."

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lfws3: round 2, character: rodney mckay, genre: hurt/comfort, character: john sheppard, author: ga_unicorn, rating: pg

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