Title: Search and Rescue, Missing Scene
ltcoljsheppard Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: 'Search and Rescue'
Prompt for the Round: Write an episode tag or missing scene using script format. The team is a must, but you can include other characters, OC or not. H/C is not a must.
ltcoljsheppard Over the Planet. We see the dart entering the atmosphere then break to see it strafing the tree tops on the planet's surface. A wide cone of bright light emits from the bottom of the Dart as it sails over a clearing and we see the team materialize. Ronon looks to the skies as does his teammates, he points.
RONON: There he is.
Teyla and Rodney shade their eyes against the bright sun as they watch the Dart come about to settle in the grass a short distance away. They walk over to the alien ship as the canopy disappears, revealing Sheppard sitting inside the cockpit. He looks up as his team gathers.
TEYLA: John?
SHEPPARD: He's fine. He's right here.
He rises from the seat to show Teyla her son safe and sound. She smiles and puts her arms out toward him as John climbs out of the Dart. Ronon assists him to the ground and Sheppard turns to Teyla.
SHEPPARD: Here you go, Mama.
Teyla smiles brightly as John sets the baby in her arms. He pauses there with her, both looking down at the newborn stuffed in McKay's jacket as Ronon and Rodney stand nearby watching. John caresses the baby's cheek with the tip of his finger. Baby responds to it as if its' a possible food source and turns an open mouth quickly to it. He suckles on John's finger and Teyla smiles.
SHEPPARD: I think someone's hungry.
TEYLA: We will be home soon. That will be my first priority.
SHEPPARD: We'll need to get both of you to the infirmary first.
TEYLA: And you! (she touches the side of his bloody shirt, looking concerned) How in the world did you find us?
(John blinks at her as Rodney steps forward grinning.)
McKAY: You know how some people say they'd go to the ends of the universe? He traveled to the end of time to find you.
TEYLA: I do not understand. (She replied, looking at John confused)
SHEPPARD: We never stopped looking. (he told her and Teyla's expression softened)
TEYLA: I know. I could sense it... I knew you were out there looking for us. I never gave up hope.
McKAY: Yeah, but I bet you didn't know that he traveled forty thousand years into the future to find out where Michael was planning to bring you.
TEYLA: What?? (she looked to John, concerned)
SHEPPARD: (grinning slightly) Forty-EIGHT thousand years to be exact.
TEYLA: You stepped into the future? (John nods, slightly uncomfortable) What was it like?
SHEPPARD: (thinks about an answer, then shoves the memory away forcibly) Let's get you home. Rodney? Dial the Gate.
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