Title: Hamburgers, Hip-Hop and Homeboys (Oh My!)
eshtahRating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: Write a fic taking place on Earth having anyone from Earth and also having Ronon and/or Teyla
eshtah “...And this hip-hop.” She pronounced it ‘Hip. Hop.’ It is children’s music?”
“Hardly!” Rodney spit his water onto the back of Ronon’s seat. He wiped at it with a tissue, and looking at his commanding officer apologetically he continued, “The lyrics are crude at best, though I have to admit that I can’t deny the poetic quality of some of the more sophisticated artists. Tupac, for instance.” He grinned through the rear view mirror at John, who rolled his eyes.
The reference, however, was lost on Teyla. “He is a notable musician among your people?”
“Was,” answered John. “He was shot.”
“I see.” Teyla flipped through the pages of the CD booklet she was holding and paused, a puzzled look coming over her face. “What does it mean, to ‘Superman that- ‘”
“Okay!” Interrupted John, reaching back to take the booklet from Teyla, “That’s enough pop culture for today!” He paused as he stashed the book in the dashboard compartment. “Ronon buddy, you doing okay?”
Ronon groaned from his slouched position in the front passenger seat. “What did you say we ate?”
“McDonald’s. Hamburgers. Meat, Ronon.”
Rodney snorted, “That’s debatable.”
“It’s okay.” John patted Ronon’s shoulder roughly, “We’ll be back home soon.”
Teyla reached over to brush Ronon’s hair back. “Yes, and if you’re still feeling ill, I’m sure Dr. Lam can administer some form of medication.”
John laughed, and Ronon looked over and growled, “What’s so funny?”
“Oh, I’m just thinking about how General Landry will react to a case of McDonald’s food poisoning knocking out the toughest man in the Pegasus galaxy.”
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