Kink Meme Post #1!

Jun 27, 2010 22:31

Welcome to the first SGA Kink Meme Prompt Post!

Reminders on Prompts

  • One prompt per comment
  • Anything goes: any kink (sexual, emotional, other), any character or pairing, any rating, gen, RPF, crossovers with SG1, SGU, and actors' other works, aslong as one person in the story is from SGA.
  • Please use the correct prompt format
    • List characters by first name, with no titles
    • Alphabetize pairings, unless they are crossovers
    • If crossover, sga character(s) first, then the crossover character(s)
    • If RPF, GEN, or CROSSOVER, please list in the first line before pairing/character
    • Please put any ! (doppelganger!John or toppy!Teyla) in the description, not the pairing
    • For full format and examples, please see the Rules Post.
Reminders on Fills

  • Fills can be posted starting Monday, July 5th.
  • Nest Your Stories. If you post a story with more than 1 part, post further parts as replies to the first.
  • Warn for common triggers even if the prompt implies some. You must warn for common violent or sexual triggers. Unwarned stories/art are subject to immediate screening at the mods' discretion.
    • Triggers to warn for:
    • non-con/dub-con/rape
    • character death
    • suicide
    • self-injury
    • child abuse
    • graphic torture
    • bloodplay
    • incest
    • bestiality
    • underage (under the age of 18)
    • slavery
    • mind control
    • If you are uncertain if you should include a warning, better safe than sorry.
  • Post links to NSFW images or images that require warnings. Do not embed them.
  • Do not post links to locked material. We will be happy to repost stories/comics to the mod journal for you. You can also post anonymously here, as most people do.
  • Single prompts can be answered as many times as you wish.
  • Respect everyone's anonymity. To post anonymously when logged in, click on 'More Options' and pick 'Anonymous'. Do not ask anyone to reveal themselves.
  • Expanded or Edited answers: If you expand/edit an answer to a prompt and then post this outside of the meme, please post a link in the meme as a response to your fic/art or the prompt. That way, the OP and others who enjoyed the original can find the new version.
Indexing Prompts

We will be indexing all prompts and fills on the SGA Kink Meme Delicious account.

Helpful Links

  • Please make sure you're familiar with the rules, which can be found here.
  • Discussion is wonderful, but will get lost on the meme. Please take it to the discussion post.
  • Please pimp the meme! We have 39 banners in a huge array of pairings and characters (including Atlantis!) for you to choose from.
  • If you see or are a victim of harassment or a troll on the meme, please report it to the mods rather than engaging the poster. Thank you!
If you have any questions or comments about the meme, please email the mods at or post a comment to this mod post.