Challenge antries

Feb 02, 2009 16:25

My first ever challenge entries. I hope you like them!! (nothing graphic or spoilery, I'm not sure what I'd rate them and such, so hopefully this is enough, you can let me know)
Also, I hope my attempts at an LJ-cut works! If it does, thank you very much to leesa_perrie . If it doesn't its probably my fault, and I apologise in advance. (wish me luck!)

The first one was using 'Twilight', 'Sad' and probably even 'Taciturn'.
The next one was using 'Fight' and I was trying to put across 'sentient' but I don't really think that came across, still, I like this better of the two.

My images seem to be too big, can anyone tell me how I can fix this?
Thanks Leesa...Hopefully I've done it...we shall see...

character: ronon dex, character: john sheppard, .artwork, character: teyla emmagan, challenge: random words, character: rodney mckay

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