Team, Week 1: Aiden Ford And The Dinorama

Jun 15, 2011 00:55

Title: Aiden Ford And The Dinorama
Author: tielan
Genre: Team
Prompt: Dinosaurs
Word Count: ~4600
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: It's not every day you discover that you're king of the dinosaurs...

Aiden Ford And The Dinorama )


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Comments 32

busaikko June 15 2011, 12:40:59 UTC
Oh, Ford! I love his perspective on the team; you really captured the Season 1 way everyone was getting to know (and irritate) each other. And this gives me hope that Ford, after escaping the hive ship, can retire in his own personal dinosaur paradise. Awesome!


tielan August 4 2011, 06:36:40 UTC
Ford and his personal dinosaur paradise! *g* I love the image that conjures up!

Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it!


madripoor_rose June 15 2011, 13:10:27 UTC
Aw, this was cute!


tielan August 4 2011, 06:37:01 UTC
Thank you!


lullabymoon June 15 2011, 13:44:18 UTC
This is just all kinds of awesome! I ♥ it to bits!


tielan August 4 2011, 06:39:27 UTC
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!


gaffsie June 15 2011, 14:08:15 UTC
I really enjoyed Ford's POV in this.


tielan August 4 2011, 06:40:14 UTC
It was a bit of a challenge to write (Ford's not a character I usually write), but I think it worked out okay. :)


schneefink June 15 2011, 14:25:53 UTC
Aiden Ford, King of the Dinosaurs! :D Pet velociraptors, so cute. I enjoyed reading season 1 fic again.


tielan August 4 2011, 06:41:03 UTC
I wanted something that would look moderately terrifying (or which Rodney could apostrophise as terrifying) but which turned out to be very fluffy bunny... :D

Glad you liked it!


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