And ... it's a go!

Mar 30, 2008 21:51

Close enough to midnight. *g* Posting begins now! Remember:

- You can use discussion tracking (the little thumbtack at the top of a post) to have comments emailed to you. I don't think there's any way for anyone to see who is tracking a discussion. (Please correct me if I'm wrong!)

- To preserve anonymity, please wait to answer your comments until after the authors are revealed, which will happen at the end of the ficathon, on or around April 21st.

- "Guess the Author" threads will be posted at the end of each week, just for fun.

- If any of you notice any weird formatting or funky characters in any of the posted stories, please contact me about it so that I can fix it.

Thanks to all the writers, and enjoy three weeks of lovely fic! Feel free to spread the word far and wide.
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