Just a quick reminder on Genficathon deadlines

Apr 30, 2009 18:50

I've already turned down two requests for last-minute extensions today (including one from a close personal friend). I feel like a bit of a jerk, to be honest. But the deadlines are FIRM this year. Everyone (except pinch hitters) had 3 months to write their stories; I have posted reminders in the community, sent reminder emails, and granted 10-day extensions past the April 20th deadline. I think I've been MORE than fair, and my experience last year was that if I continue granting extensions, a number of people will STILL fail to turn in their story even after being given extension after extension. It was very frustrating and made the posting process stressful and difficult.

Your story must be in by midnight Alaska time tonight (that's five hours from now) or it will not run in the ficathon. We will not be seeking pinch hits for prompts that have no stories by tonight. I don't want to answer a last-minute flurry of extension requests with "no ... no ... no", so please don't ask -- the answer will be "no".

There will be a "bonus round" at the end of the regular posting period, once all the authors have been revealed, and you are more than welcome to post your story at that time. You won't be banned for failing to turn in your story; you just won't have a story in the anonymous part of the ficathon.

But on a more squeeful note -- posting begins tomorrow; YAY! We do have a lot of stories, including some fantastically long ones; I think it'll be a great ficathon. :)

Comments are screened in case you have any questions. Once again, though, there will be no extensions past tonight, so there is no point in asking.
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