2009 Genficathon

Jan 23, 2009 22:29

It's a go! Signups will open on February 1. Rules are, for the most part, the same as last year (see the userinfo, updated for 2009); a list of deadlines and specific changes to last year's rules are below.

February 1: Signups open.
February 8: Signups close.
February 9/10: Assignments mailed out.
April 20: Stories due (extensions may be requested). Last day to drop out.
April 30: All stories are due.
May 1: Anonymous posting begins.

New rules in 2009:

- Deadlines are firmer this year. Last year saw a high number of defaults, leading to some very sparse posting days. Any writer who hasn't turned in their story or asked for an extension by April 20 will have their prompt reassigned (yes, I'll send out a reminder post before doing anything drastic) and stories need to be turned in by April 30 ... no exceptions. Any stories still outstanding when posting begins will be reassigned to pinch hitters. (However, if you can finish your story before the end of the ficathon, I'll be happy to go ahead and post it! Some of the best stories last year were mega-long and were turned in late ...)

- Last year, each prompt was given to a week's worth of different writers. This year, each writer will get their own unique prompt. (Last year, I went for general prompts that could be used for a wide variety of stories; it was interesting to see what people came up with in response to the same prompt. Prompts that were too specific, odd or eclectic were discarded from the prompt pool. This year, "interesting" prompts are encouraged ... though you should keep in mind that prompts are assigned randomly, so you might have to write your own!)

- There's a style guide (note: still being written; post to go up in the next day or two) based loosely on the one used in sgabigbang. Stories should be formatted for LJ and ready to post when they're turned in. Questions are welcome, though if you did this last year, you probably have an idea what I'm looking for.

- Finally, I'm no longer the sole moderator. This year, story posting and formatting will be done by volunteers tipper_green, greyias, jadesfire2808 and kyuuketsukirui. *tips hat to them*

Rules and deadlines are currently tentative and can easily be modified before signups officially open, so feel free to offer any suggestions that you have. :)


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