After the reveal- Genficathon April Ficfest!

Apr 18, 2008 20:44

liketheriverrun had a wonderful idea in the comments to my last admin post -- rather than doing an extra round of anonymous bonus stories, why not open up the floor for bonus stories after the ficathon has run its course, and let anyone write anything for any of the prompts, and post it? Sort of a mini-flashficathon?

I love that idea! And since anyone can post, it means less work for me. (Heh. I am not going to complain about that, especially after three weeks of ficathon!)

In light of this, then, I'll do the author reveals on Monday before the bonus stories are posted (I had a request via email to hold off on the reveals for another week or so, and at the time I'd said I didn't mind, but I have an offer of editing help on Monday, and ... at this point, I am not too proud to accept an offer like that!). I'll put up the last day's worth of stories on Saturday night (that's early Sunday morning in the rest of the world), the last guessing post on Sunday, and then the reveals on Monday. Then the community will be open for anyone to post, assuming that you're writing a story for one of this year's prompts, and that it's gen. The April Ficfest will run until Wed., April 30th at midnight Alaska time.

Please do not attempt to post any stories until I put up the final list of authors/stories and make the announcement at the end of the ficathon that it's open to posting. After that, the floor is yours.

Someone asked a question in the last post about people without an LJ account -- there is at least one person in the ficathon who's in that situation. If you were already participating in the ficathon but don't have an account, then I'll be happy to post your bonus stories afterwards. Everyone else is on their own. *g* And don't forget that basic LJ accounts are free.

If anyone has any other questions, ask away! And don't forget there are still two days' worth of brand new stories to go.


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