Title: Wrong
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: PG
sga_flashfic - Slave challenge
Summary: Rodney thinks it's wrong.
A/N: I have another, more serious story I'm working on for this challenge, I promise, but this silly drabble wandered into my head. Caveat lector, because I think Rodney's right.
Disclaimer: Not mine. If they were...well, let's just say they wouldn't have much time for missions.
by Zoe Rayne
"You know, John, I find this to be vaguely disturbing."
"Vaguely disturbing? Like how?"
"Well we could start with the fact that I'm chained up and wearing nothing but a gold bikini."
"It looks good on you, Rodney. Gold is your color."
"Be that as it may, it's still a bikini. A metal bikini. And it chafes."
"Fine, next time I'll wear the bikini and you can wave your lightsaber around."
"Also? The part where we have incestuous sex after you rescue me from Jabba the Hutt's evil clutches? That's just...wrong."
"But hot."
"Well, yes, perhaps. But still wrong."
fait accompli